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  1. To map the controls, I used the Learn MIDI option in Vital (synth I'm using). It works perfectly without setting up Control Surfaces in Cakewalk, but when I enable automation write, nothing happens. It does however work if I control the same parameter with my mouse, so I'm not really sure why controlling it with the MIDI keyboard doesn't.
  2. Thanks for the reply! I've already ticked all 3 of your points; my MIDI keyboards always remain plugged in to the same port and I have USB sleep options off too. I've been playing around for a few hours now trying to fix my issue and just discovered that I can use the MIDI keyboard knobs to control soft synths without having Cakewalk Control Surfaces setup? Seems to work perfectly, however my main issue still remains: I'd like to record my MIDI automation onto my synth track during playback, but the only way I have achieved this is by turning the knobs after arming the track and pressing record. This does work, but then I can't hear the synth anymore. Is there any method where I can record in my automations while also hearing the synth? Thanks a lot for your help.
  3. Hi, Thanks for the reply. I've had some success with this before but I'd love to be able to record the MIDI automation onto my synth track to speed up my workflow. I'll give this another shot though. I've just opened up another thread as now I can't get my control surface working at all!
  4. Hi, I'm using a Komplete Kontrol A61 MIDI Keyboard with Cakewalk. It has a few rotary knobs that I've previously managed to link with soft synth parameters, using just the standard Mackie Control surface in Cakewalk. Though this has worked before, I get very inconsistent results as sometimes I open the program and I can no longer get the keyboard to control any parameters, or sometimes it does control them but only at values of either 0% or 100%. I'm finding this very frustrating as I can't find any suitable fix online and I would just like to have a smooth experience using Cakewalk. Is it a problem with my settings or perhaps a problem with the keyboard? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi all, I'm using a MIDI keyboard with some rotary knobs (Komplete Kontrol A61) that I want to use to automate a synth. I have it all working properly, using one of the knobs to control the filter cutoff in Vital. However, when I go to record this MIDI information during playback, nothing happens. The knob continues to work and I can hear it controlling the filter, but Cakewalk doesn't record any of the movement into the automation lane. Though when I control the filter with my mouse during playback, Cakewalk does record the information. Would really appreciate some help with this as I can't find any fix online! I've attached a photo of how I've got everything setup. I'm using Mackie Control in Cakewalk. Thanks, Tom.
  6. All done, thank you both. I believe everything is setup perfectly now and all my audio is running smoothly. Thanks everyone for your help, I really appreciate it!
  7. Cakewalk was automatically setting my Record Latency Adjustment Device to FL Studio ASIO, instead of my interface. Possibly that was the cause for the bad measurement?
  8. So CEntrance gives me 892 samples, which taking away my Total Roundtrip of 829, leaves me with 63. Sound about right for Manual Offset?
  9. Perfect, will give this a go very soon and report back! You are correct as David Baay also pointed out! I never would have thought of this as I've only had my synth a few weeks.
  10. My only options for driver mode (MIDI tab) are MME or UWP, however my driver mode under playback is set to ASIO. Does this seem correct? I've lowered my MIDI Prepare Using buffer to 50ms too, thanks!
  11. Unfortunately this didn't work, but you did lead me to the solution! On the same page, I disabled 'Controller' recording, which has fixed the issue. As for the ASIO buffer, how do I choose an appropriate value for the Manual Offset? I currently have enabled 'Use ASIO Reported Latency'. Thanks!
  12. Thanks for the reply Greg - the synth is connected via USB to my PC, and providing audio to my audio interface (Arturia Minifuse 2).
  13. Hi, I currently have a Korg Minilogue XD synth hooked up to Cakewalk and am experiencing some heavy lag issues. When I send MIDI notes to the Korg from Cakewalk, all is fine until I begin turning dials on the synth, when I get extreme latency issues and the audio takes up to several seconds to catch up. When playing notes by hand and turning dials, this does not happen. I should note that slow dial movements do not trigger the issue, it only happens when I speed the movements up a bit. I've attached my driver settings, and an audio clip where I change the filter gradually and then quickly, where you can hear the issue clearly. Would really appreciate some help if anyone knows a solution! Thank you Latency Issue.mp3
  14. Thanks for the detailed reply! I haven't tried this yet and will definitely give it a go. This is spot on, having the track tempo matched will allow me to cut and move parts around easily and have all of the clips be aligned properly to the beat when moved. Will try the above method soon, really appreciate your time and help, thank you!
  15. I'm trying to make the whole song play at a fixed tempo essentially, sorry that wasn't clear before! The song I'm remixing (shown in the original image) has a varying bpm, however to remix the song I first need to get it all one tempo so I can cut parts out and rearrange them etc. The tracks shown in the image are the stems of the original song, provided as part of a remix challenge. Hopefully this helps explain the problem a little better. Thanks!
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