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Dono Lee

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  1. I am pleased to say that, after a little bit of pulling my hair out, that the resolution to the issue apparently was uninstalling the 1.97 line 6 driver and reinstalling the 1.96 driver. Line 6 is apparently looking at a fix? thanks for the feedback! Dono
  2. Thanks for the input. I checked sound devices, but the only thing there was the MOTU. Here is a link to the line 6 forum post. https://line6.com/support/topic/65018-any-cakewalk-daw-users-getting-hangings-after-helix-v35-update/ looking forward to getting this resolved! Dono
  3. HELP! I have been re-amping quite a bit over the last week with great success using the helix via USB, until I did the update this morning. Unfortunately, when Helix is connected via USB, Cakewalk now goes “non-responsive” when hitting “Rec”. I am on the most current version of Cakewalk. I have a robust dedicated DAW. Everything worked perfectly before the update this morning. Apparently other cakewalk users are experiencing what they define as various ASIO-comm issues as well, according to the Line 6 forum. I would attach the link if I knew how, LOL. Reverting back to the previous version does not resolve the issue. Also, apparently line 6 has been able to reproduce the issue. So we’re waiting for them to respond, I guess. Have any of y’all experienced these issues? Dono
  4. Thanks for the replies! IDK, the MOTU 1248 is new, I just tweaked a bit and the #1 issue was gone. I think I chalk this up to "DOH!" I am ecstatic that at least SOMEONE has seen the #2 issue before ? Thanks for sharing, Grem! Thanks everyone. Dono
  5. Hello folks, Long time Sonar user, infrequent poster here. I am experiencing several strange issues that I have yet to find an answer for. First of all, I must say that overall my experience is that Cakewalk By Bandlab is pretty stable, despite the issues I am posting about. (1) I am wondering what "setting" controls the the volume of a Loop as it being auditioned in the Media Browser? When auditioning Drums on Demand loops, the loops sound great, but the volume is VERY loud and does not appear to be controlled by the MOTU 1248. However, when importing the drum loop into a track, the overall loop volume decreases dramatically, but at least at this point the loop's volume can be controlled. And, I must say, the "fidelity" (for lack of better word) of the loop suffers as well. BTW, I believe I confirmed that there were no FX anywhere that would affect the volume of fidelity of the drum loop. There is just a big difference in how the drum loop "sounds" in the Media Browser vs. after being imported into a session. Any thoughts? (2) Over the past few years I have experienced that a Track, be it regular track, AUX track, or BUSS, will work correctly for a period of time before going "bad", meaning that the track ceases to process whatever signal is sent to it. All tracks around it work, all routing is confirmed as correct, the track just ceases to work. So far, the remedy is just to create another track, configure as needed, move the .wav if necessary, and it works again. Takes all of 15 seconds to fix, but the mystery intrigues me - why would this happen? Has anyone else seen this behavior? Any ideas? I appreciate any response. Thanks! Dono
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