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4th Eden

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  1. yes i did this I still have crashes..I assume the Redist program needs to run after re-instll of CbB?
  2. I am now having issues loading CbB... it just hangs...the only clue is I updated yesterday...now it just hangs... I would like to try and rollback
  3. The update is now crashing.. I cannot load CbB anymore
  4. I really need to rollback to the previous version . I just updated to the December release and now CbB crashes constanlty. It was fine before the update. Any links to previous version please?
  5. Im sure its been asked before but I simply want to Duplicate a track (the vst, fx and midi) to another project.
  6. i like a good mystery! Who's problem is it?
  7. update from Waves: I suggest rescanning in Cakewalk, as per this article. https://www.waves.com/support/how-to-find-your-plugins-in-sonar (useful; not) Make sure that the following paths are listed for VST3, making sure to remove any Waves-specific folders - C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 Note that VST3 is the only format tested and qualified with our software in Cakewalk. Waves software is 64-bit only, as 32-bit support was dropped a few versions back. So how come all i can get is the VST2 CR8...this plugin is screwed!
  8. yes had that error before when i tried loading CR8...
  9. thanks! Been looking how to save my Sample Library folder for ages; end up doing about 6 double clicks to get it. Saved content location and it now defaults to this folder when reopening. Perfect. Many thanks!
  10. I cannot find in Preference where to set my default location for Media that appears in the Browser. Im sure its simple!
  11. weird; reloaded cakewalk and now the VST3 version of CR8 has gone; interestingly, when you click to bring up Cosmos, it loads another instance of it; mine in standalones is running as its tagging samples ; as though this version is now a plugin thats linked to CR8...and it might be 32 bit...
  12. well, I copied the waveshell v13 folder into my default vstplugin folder and it now includes CR8 ; i did uninstall V13 plugins first then re-install; i might remove that folder just to see if it still recognizes it; but at least it is now working!
  13. so you can get the VST2 version working? where was it lurking as a default for you?
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