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Everything posted by jm52

  1. Yeah.... Stop using the DAW you are used to,,, and pay big bucks to prove a point of some sort....
  2. Ideas about using CW/sonar included vsts to create the Pat metheny guitar tone, from in the beginning?
  3. Thank you all for your responses. Although a long time user, not much last couple of years. Setting up new comp, interface, patch panels, routings,.... Read the Help files. Tried as suggested above. Some changed. Others only for that track. 'Tis a puzzlement. Will try more today. Thank you
  4. How should i: Select lots of tracks/strips and change: volume/gain for all at once other settings
  5. Using a synth can provide some control over tones. multiple takes, contrast and compare, adjustments, pan, instruments ,.... Got Melda,...
  6. Replaced primary computer, and audio interface, and all the other stuff. Noticed a 'ground-loop' noise. Made it loud. Had lots of ideas. Changing speeds, note values,... result in midi triggers for whatever noises yearn for such relief. A whale song sample is a good idea. I wonder if there is a unique time signature used by each pod... Some sound the same ... But are different. Hmmmmm..... Thanks
  7. I want to record a stable 60 hertz signal. And then midi-fi it. And then, add tracks of 1/2 , 1/4 . 1/8,.... And then run cal scripts to delete, copy, move, those bits,... What process might you suggest? To get a good recording and start modifying? What CW included synth might be worthy?
  8. Some specific guidance please I have a clip that is a bit wobbly. I want to: Import into CW Extract the tempo Have project follow clip Change the tempo to even number (eg 146.73 to 146) Align transients to grid/beats Process the clip to retain changes Copy beats to midi Tutorials? Steps to follow?
  9. I need suggestions for an audio/midi recorder that is signal activated. I use NCH Wavepad with Dragon for speech recording… Signal activated. And, my digital voice recorders are all set to voice activation. Any ideas?
  10. I use a forest impulse for diffused early reflections. When i'm going big, i use another instance of PS with a cooling tower impulse.
  11. How can i set the meter Peak number to NOT hold peaks? I have set all meters to RMS, -60. And nothing else. I am attempting to calibrate inputs to CW with a new interface. This would be much easier if the meter peak would immediately follow the current input signal level changes. Not hold the peak value. (example: adjusting mic inputs to -50, go past to -49 and i have to reset the meter.) I know, double clicking/ shift-j resets but that means more attention. I figger this prolly is a feature request. (((AND:: CW needs a meter matrix dialog... changing one setting at a time is way annoying.))
  12. RE: an old project, 2012 Track color does not change with change of output... Ideas?
  13. I removed all the runtime thangs. And now, some of the older dx apps don't work.... Eg: The Multi Voice Chorus Flanger I have dozen of very old projects that use a bunch of old effects. Not looking forward to more disappointments. Gonna try reinstalling... I have most versions from cw9 --- Read some bits about how it might not be possible to reinstall the earlier version of the runtimes. Good times.
  14. Thank you...... Now i am searching for a patch sample.
  15. So, what did you decide? Criteria? Piano feel, or???? I use an SSL piano keyboard. I don't care about the controls .. Most of those happen after. And the on-board levers are adequately limited.... Less to be distracted by. Great piano feel. So, what did you decide and why?
  16. About ten years ago, i would play a synth at the music store while my grandbabies attended piano and vocal lessons. Any one knows about the "Wizard Dust" patch? What synth? Transition to other VSTis?
  17. Again, when installing the CW update this error is displayed "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable..." I click cancel and the installation proceeds. I attempt to install the VC_redist.x64.exe installer, which is supposed to fix the issue, and get the same error... One of the suggestions to fix the error is to uninstall all c++ app installs. Like hours and hours and then what won't work until i put them all in again. Anybody got ideas? C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{C56D2482-32F7-4CB7-AF41-4CC51EBCB17D}v14.29.30040\packages\vcRuntimeMinimum_amd64\ vc_runtimeminimum_x64.msi
  18. jm52


    Thank you for your responses...... Been using Sonar/CW since CW 9. Uninstalled CW, installed.... The midi thing seems resolved. But, some presets though displayed in the text box, are not found. Crazy..... Must be the russians.
  19. jm52


    The little dude in the tray flashes its lights showing midi input.
  20. jm52


    The little dude in the tray flashes its lights showing midi input.
  21. have not loaded CW for a month.. Worked fine then. New piano template with hallion, sforando, msoundfactory.... Happiness. I start it today, and ::::VSTs cannot load ..... Sforando, msoundfactory, halion is totally distorted....... Errors about not finding the vst from the INSTALL folder., and the Programs\common folder::: the files are there. and then when loaded, not finding the presets Ran VST scan from the plugin manager three times. NO JOY. ============ Existing project::: True pianos works. From two midi keyboards. Two different interfaces. New project: load true piano.... NO midi input... Mountain tools displays midi input. Yes, the devices are selected in cw...... Why is an existing project sorta working, but not a new project? Any body have any guidance?
  22. I know, old topic, but still relevant. CLASSIC FADERPORT::: The trick is to copy the faderport.dlls to the cakewalk shared surfaces folders, and register them. C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces I added '64' to the 64 bit file. 1) Close SONAR, if open. 2) Enter the Run prompt by holding the Windows key and pressing R 3) Then copy and paste the following into the Run prompt:, pressing enter after each line. regsvr32 "C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\faderport.dll" regsvr32 "C:\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces\faderport64.dll" 4) Press OK and you will see a message saying that DllRegisterServer succeeded 5) Open SONAR and add the FaderPort as a Controller/Surface, as outlined in the guide
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