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Johnny Tsao

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Everything posted by Johnny Tsao

  1. Sonar's ticks units are inconsistent with CbB I created a simple MIDI note using CbB, added 10 ticks in the Inspector, and saved it as a cwp file. As shown in the following screenshot: Then use Sonar to open this cwp file. The file can be opened normally, but in the Inspector of the MIDI track, Time+ shows "50". The unit is indeed Ticks instead of Milliseconds, as shown in the following screenshot: This is the MIDI Event List: Then export the MIDI file in Sonar and reopen it. You can see that 10 ticks are added to the MIDI notes instead of the "+50" set in the Inspector. If anyone wants the cwp and midi files for the test, here they are Ticks_Test.cwp Ticks_Test.mid
  2. @Canopus Thanks for your reply. After hearing what you said, I have a clue in my mind. Solving this problem will take a long time or may not be possible at all. Okay! Just think of it as an incomplete UI design aesthetic.
  3. When you press the Alt key twice, the icon in the upper right corner of the window displays an error. Please refer to the screenshot below. Thanks!
  4. The UI Color Scheme is in Dark, and when loading, the Processing status color is consistent with the overall theme. However, in Mercury, the Processing status colors are inconsistent. Can they be modified to make the overall appearance better? Thank You!
  5. Got it! Thank you for your reply. We will leave this issue to our R&D team to clarify and confirm.
  6. @Promidi Thank you for your reply! I'm pretty sure that Sonar Ver.2025.02 Build 049 has a real bug with the Reverb and Chorus knobs on the MIDI Inspector. * After yesterday’s reply, I also upgraded Windows 11 to 24H2. The new version of Sonar also has the problem, so the problem with the OS version is ruled out. To do this, I rolled Sonar Back to an older version, and here are the results of my tests: Ver. 2024.09 (Build 105) → Works! Ver. 2024.11 (Build 097) → Works! Ver. 2024.12 (Build 004) → Works! Ver. 2025.02 (Build 049) → Not Works! After upgrading Sonar to the latest version, I tested it with UVI Falcon, and unsurprisingly, the problem reappeared. Here is a screenshot of the verification operation:
  7. The Inspector, Reverb, and Chorus knobs in the MIDI channel do not work. As soon as you adjust the knob, the setting value will return to zero. I capture the screenshot below and hope this bug can be fixed, Thank You! (Win11 23H2, Sonar ver. 2025.02 Build 049, TTS-1 and Other MIDI Sound Modules have the same problem, In the old version of CbB it works!) Sorry for bad english!
  8. I use the way of creating Synth Track Folder to insert Soft Instrument. When replacing a soft synth, the folder name created cannot be changed along with it. It would be better if the folder name could be changed along with it. Thanks to the development team for continuing to update CbB.
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