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Michael Docy

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Everything posted by Michael Docy

  1. I don't think it was a "glitch". I think they finally listened to Larry. 😁 It seems like an excellent marketing plan: 1. Provide the retailers with a limited number of $29.99 licenses to sell. 2. We, the happy purchasers, will generate lots of comments and buzz on the forums. 3. All this forum buzz will provide free, positive advertising for IK, providing more attention to the product than it would normally get. 4. Because of all the extra forum buzz and attention, many more people will purchase at the $99.99 price point. Cheers, Mike
  2. Today, one day later, I received a "Your Items have shipped" e-mail. From my past experience with GC, the serial number e-mail usually arrives a few hours after the "Your items have shipped" e-mail. UPDATE: serial received from GC.
  3. Thanks, Larry! You made my day! I saw it yesterday at Sweetwater and decided to wait until today to get it then the price increase. Snagged it from Guitar Center! Thank you.
  4. If you currently have T-RackS 5 MAX this upgrade gets you 8 new modules. Here is a web page comparing 5 max to 6 max: https://gearspace.com/board/reviews/1436778-ik-multimedia-t-racks-6-a.html
  5. The sale ended March 2 on the Harrison web page.
  6. I couldn't resist and grabbed it. I had no problem installing it and it worked fine with ILok 2. It's my second SSL plug, lol.
  7. Anybody have it and care to comment? I'm thinking of getting it but not sure. I will watch the YouTube videos tonight to help me decide.
  8. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/hears.html Overview This is a PA_EXT plugin from an external provider. It will be available via the PA webshop for 96 hrs ONLY. PA_EXT plugins are NOT part of our subscription bundles (MEGA L, XL, XXL, etc.) They cannot be bought in conjunction with PA Loyalty vouchers. Enhance the most important pieces of gear you own – your ears. Designed in collaboration with one of America’s most acclaimed audiologists, HEARS fixes the hearing deficiencies affecting your ability to produce professionally. BETTER HEARING = BETTER MIXES, period The perfect mixing environment for your ears HEARS tests your hearing, pinpoints exactly where it’s lacking, and FIXES it. Finally, hear your mixes FLAT! Like having prescription glasses for your ears. HEARS Helps anyone, from those with the tiniest amount of hearing loss to moderate and severe hearing loss. Create multiple profiles for multiple/different sets of monitors, headphones, or any speakers you mix on. Features SUPER LOW CPU processing power, so you can leave it on all the time in the background Create individual profiles for monitors, headphones, and any system
  9. To get this offer, simply add Guitarstrip to your basket and checkout with the code: STRINGS https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/guitarstrip
  10. It just worked for me. I logged into JRR before using the coupon. PS. Welcome back Larry!!!
  11. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/cherry-audio-rsp.html
  12. Some good reading material here for when you get stuck at the airport with nothing to do! $18.00 USD for all 13 books. Each pdf "book" is 300 to 400 pages. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/piano-and-more-for-dummies-wiley-books?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_pianoandmorefordummieswiley_bookbundle Screen captures below showing what's included:
  13. https://blog.native-instruments.com/best-free-kontakt-instruments/ "As the industry’s leading instrument-building tool, Kontakt is your gateway to the widest collection of sampled instruments available anywhere. But more than a sampler, this shapeshifting platform has powered two decades of blockbuster film scores and chart-topping hits, plus thousands of incredible instruments. And with hundreds of officially licensed instruments available from NI and other leading manufacturers – alongside thousands more from boutique developers, sound designers, and composers – you’ll never run short of inspiration. Whether you’re just starting out with Kontakt, or looking to add some additional flavor to a well-seasoned library of your own, here are 100 free Kontakt libraries and instruments for your sound sculpting collection."
  14. $39.99 for both or separate for $24.99 each https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/bus-compressor-2-and-lmc-bundle https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/ssl-native-bus-compressor-2 https://store.solidstatelogic.com/plug-ins/ssl-lmc
  15. I just found this, not good news: "Magix, Declares Insolvency". https://tkt1957.com/magix-insolvency-future-plans/
  16. Zo, If I understand your question correctly, the serial number you will receive from Humble is tied to SF Pro 17. It will only register as SF Pro 17. After you register they will send you an offer to upgrade to SF Pro 18 for $79.99.
  17. Note: This is the previous version of SF. This is one version behind the current SF Pro 18. Also Note: This is not the Suite version. It does not include Spectral Layers or any of the other extras that the SF Pro Suite includes. Nonetheless, if you just want to have a newer version of SF, this is a good price, $30.00. I have been running SF13 so I grabbed this. This is a good update for me. I use SF Pro for mastering. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/vegas-pro-2024-software?hmb_source=humble_home&hmb_medium=takeover&hmb_campaign=vegasprodec24
  18. https://www.applied-acoustics.com/portal/offers/
  19. It is also $134.25 directly from the Fab Filter web page.
  20. Now on the Boz web page they have: buy one get one 1/2 off. So I just got Imperial Delay and Manic Compressor. 15 US dollars for both using the 50% off deal.
  21. Put it in your cart and wait. They will send you a 20% off coupon. I just received mine. Here's what my cart looks like now:
  22. Does it stop working after one year if you don't renew?
  23. Thanks for reminding us of the sale. I couldn't resist. Great deal! There is also a freebie: "Shortnoise Electronic Music Sample Library for Kontakt"
  24. Use code HK490 and get the H4K compressor for $2.54 US dollars. I am confident Saverio will fix any bugs if they are reported.
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