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  1. Thanks, David Baay, for that insight regarding the rendered track order. And no, that margarine commercial was not before my time. If CbB really is angry that such a sneaky thing was attempted, I'll just say the author of the workaround forced me to do it. ? Oh, and I did try to tell the little OCD man to buzz off, but his response was simply to say, curtly, "That's Mister OCD man to you, buddy". So, it looks like I'll be pursuing this audio-clip-ordering solution for at least a bit longer. And OutrageProductions, thanks so much for taking the time to do that little experiment and post the screenshots. Can't wait to get to my music desk in a few days, to compare what I'm doing/seeing to what you're doing/showing. I'll post back.
  2. Thanks for that. Sorry, I should've elaborated a bit more. It didn't occur to me that there would be different solutions for tracks vs. clips. Freeze would work great for entire tracks, but, in these tracks, I've got short ranges, or clip "stacks". I want to be able to bounce each stack's midi clips to an identical stack of audio clips (down in the awaiting audio tracks), and in the same order (order is shown in the screenshot below). Cakewalk is currently ignoring this order when bouncing to tracks. Meaning, while it might name the clips correctly (since I've already named the awaiting audio tracks), the actual sounds don't match the names. ("PRE-M STRINGS - 01" will instead play drums, etc.)... Basically, I want the result to look exactly like the stacks shown below, except they'll be audio stacks instead of midi, and with the correct sounds on each: The clips need to remain short and distinct, because I'm going to be exporting them, to become short audio files in a Windows folder. So, freezing the tracks (which would combine each track's clips into one long audio clip) isn't an option.
  3. I've got 7 midi tracks associated with 7 soft synths. All these tracks have the correct corresponding names (midi track called "Lead Strings", and its associated soft synth track called "Lead Strings", etc.), and I've created 7 empty audio tracks waiting to receive the bounced audio. When I select all of the midi and soft synth tracks, then go to Tracks>Bounce To Track(s),and choose the first empty audio track (under "Destination"), and choose Tracks (under "What To Bounce"), it correctly bounces the right sounds, but it's in a track order that doesn't agree with my midi and soft synths tracks' order (as seen in Track View). I thought I had found the solution when I opened the synth rack and discovered that the bounced tracks were actually matching the order of the synths in the rack, not the way they're ordered in Track View. I thought, "Ah, I'll just re-order the rack, and it'll bounce the tracks in the order I want!" (namely, the order I have them in Track View). .. Well, first obstacle is, apparently you can't rearrange the order of the synths in the rack... easily. I say "easily" because, although there's no direct option to move synths around in the rack, another Cakewalk forum member posted a workaround which involved deleting each synth, one by one, and then immediately hitting Ctrl-Z (Undo), which restores that synth to the last position in the rack. By doing this operation for each synth, you can arrange the synths in the order you want in the rack. (I found that it's also necessary to check the "delete associated track" box as well, each time)... I did that trick, in the order that I wanted the synths to appear in the rack, and it indeed rearranged them in the order I wanted... ...But now when I bounce all the midi/synths to audio tracks, the resulting tracks are still in the order that the rack was in, originally, before I rearranged it. The track order doesn't reflect the new synth rack order. So... I'm stumped. Does anyone know of a way to actually control the order of bounced synth tracks? Thanks.
  4. Just discovered, when you drag with such a large time setting, it doesn't just immediately "jump" to the place you want it to go. It'll glide along as if Snap to Grid isn't on, until you get within range of the target spot, then it'll jump. Problem is, it's jumping to a spot not exactly 240 seconds from where it was. With Nudge (which wants milliseconds), 240000 ms put the clip exactly where I wanted it to go. But with Snap to Grid (which wants seconds), 240 seconds places it in excess of a measure away from where it should be. Weird. I'm zoomed out really far (to be able to drag across 200 - 300 bars). Maybe that's the problem? I'll keep experimenting...
  5. I have an outrageously long (2000+ measures), 100 BPM 4/4 project. I'd like to be able to instantly (via a single click or a single keyboard shortcut) make a MIDI clip move by exactly 100 measures AND "Replace Old with New" if the clip lands on top of another clip. My first thought was to set Nudge parameters to an Absolute Time of 240000 ms (had to work out the math). And that works perfectly, in terms of placement, but it won't "Replace Old with New" when it overlaps another clip. (Nudge apparently acts differently from dragging - in that it doesn't obey paste preferences.) So then I thought I'd try using Snap to Grid, setting it to the equivalent Absolute Time value (except in seconds - 240), so I could get both the benefit of "Replace Old with New" (since I'll now be dragging) AND the quickness of Nudge (since it will now just jump 100 measures instantly when I drag it). Problem is, Snap to Grid isn't obeying anything I enter into the Seconds field. Nor the Ticks field, etc. So when I drag the clip, all it does is smoothly glide along, as if Snap to Grid weren't even on. The only things my Snap to Grid seems to obey are the "musical" choices (whole note, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc.). No joy with any of the non-musical options. So, does anyone here use "Seconds" or "Ticks" or "Frames", etc. with Snap to Grid? Does it work for you? Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help. - Bob K. (Edited for clarity.)
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