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  1. Thank you for the details, I will definitely implement your instruction. I really appreciate you taking the time in light of the weather wherever you are. I hope you guys are safe.
  2. Very good point, thank you. I've been teetering on the edge of a youtube rabbit hole regarding the subject of eliminating minimizing acoustic guitar finger squeak. Some of them talk about automating EQ or buying a plugin made specifically for this task or clip gain envelopes. I do have a question about them. Since the squeaks appear on 3 tracks, does CbB have a way to group the tracks together so I only have to place an envelope on one track while the other two adopt the same envelope events?
  3. Thank you for your idea. At first I thought it might work until I found 5 more squeaks. Unfortunately the vocals, guitar, and banjo were tracked live so the copy/pasta is unpossible. Since the instruments aren't isolated, it poses a problem and when I found 5 more squeaks, the problem got bigger.
  4. Thank you for helping troubleshoot this issue. I returned to the original raw recording and the squeaks existed before the bass was overdubbed. And yes, I have begun using plural. When I went back and started reviewing things more closely, I found 5 more squeaks like this one. I've placed a marker at each one.
  5. Hello. I'm mixing a song: vocals, acoustic guitar x2, bass x2, and banjo = 6 tracks. With a little help, I was able to overcome a small obstacle and got the song exported to mp3. Upon reviewing the mp3 I heard a slight quack at 3:31. I thought it seemed a little loud for finger squeak so went back to the project and sho nuff, the quack is even louder and when I loop it, it sounds like John Henry's hammer pounding a railroad spike. What amazes me is that the sound didn't seem to bother me before the QC. I must have chalked it down as guitar finger squeak. Now that I established there is indeed an unexplainable sound, I started soloing tracks to isolate it. Right at 3:31, the wave forms of all the instruments but the bass show a bump. The song was tracked live except for the bass, which was overdubbed later. So upon listening, the sound clangs on all the instruments but the bass. To spread things out, I duplicated the bass track, set a quick delay on one of them, and hard panned them L and R. The quack loud on both guitars (mic quack is a little louder than line in), not quite as loud on the vocal track, and faint but noticeable on the banjo track (pickup, not miked). I understand mic bleed over but the sound also appears on two lined in tracks, which mystifies me. It's almost as if it is an equipment or software glitch that permeates all the tracks but the ones that were overdubbed. When I turned to automation volume envelopes, I really dug in. I placed an enveloped on each track the sound appeared on. Eventually I dropped down to -INF a couple seconds before and after the sound. Still coming through. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? Thanks everyone.
  6. Thank you. I went in and deleted some muted tracks I no longer needed and exported Entire Mix instead of individually selected option Tracks to Entire Mix. It worked. However, listening to the mp3 helped uncover a bigger problem. New thread to come...
  7. Title pretty much explains it. I have previously been successful exporting mixes to mp3 for review. I record at 48 Hz / 24 bit and dither down to 44.1 Hz / 16 bit upon export. This song has the most tracks I've mixed at 6, most of my others have 2 or 3. I have vocals, banjo, 2x guitar, and 2x bass. When I export to mp3, only the bass comes through on my Windows Media Player. I've exported to WAV with the same results. If I had to guess, either something is off on my bus inputs or maybe I accidentally clicked a button in some settings somewhere. I'm attaching a screenshot of my console view. Any help?
  8. After more listens, I decided the EQ adjustment worked with all the vocals. Instead of EQing one word here and there, I went ahead and applied it to the whole track because it helps the enunciation of lyrics come through. Thanks everyone!
  9. This song I am mixing has some words where the 'r' sound is not coming through very well in a few words. Creek sounds like ceek and gray sounds like gay. I was experimenting with a hi/lo pass EQ filter and when I bumped the curve up +6 dB at 2.3 kHz, I could hear the 'r' in creek. So is there a way to punch in an EQ for that one word as opposed to EQing the entire vocal track a certain way just to embellish a single word? I was thinking of adding an EQ to a bus, sending it to the vocal track, and bumping up the gain with automation envelope at that word (and a couple others). Is this method doable or is there a better way? Graph below for context. Thanks everyone!
  10. Hello, thank you. If the BANKS thing doesn't work, I guess a reinstall is in order. So this means uninstalling CbB from my machine and reinstalling? Or is there some way to uninstall/reinstall the individual Cakewalk plugin?
  11. Thank you for replying. I can't seem to find the BANKS function in CbB. Would you kindly be able to point me in the right direction?
  12. Title explains it. I was adjusting the Big Empty Room preset in my BREVERB 2 Cakewalk reverb plugin and hit save instead of save as. Is there any way to recover the original? I tried the undo but it only undoes changes made to the settings, it did not undo my saving over the preset. I searched around my c-drive and could not find a folder with the presets. Will I need to somehow uninstall then reinstall the BREVERB? Thanks!
  13. Make sure Input Echo is turned on. Each individual track has one, its the little button that looks like a radar signal with 3 tapered curved lines, kinda like this -)))
  14. Sorry for such basic questions. Yes, old CWP files work in CbB.
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