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  1. From my point of view, there is nothing more nonsensical and unreasonable than this. Even though I was just a kid, Gibson broke up Cakewalk and made the Z3TA+2 unavailable. Now that I finally have my own job and am trying to obtain it legally, I am not being provided with the means to do so. Why on earth can't I get the Z3TA+2 even in its original form when LennarDigital's Sylenth1 and reFX's Nexus & Vanguard are updated and available to us in better form in this day and age? Is it myself I should be protesting against? or my birth parents or Avicii or Gibson or BandLab? Unlike Video Game, it is not sold on used DVD. (Well, if you buy a Sonar DVD, it may have Z3TA+1 bundled with it, but it is extremely hard to find in my country). I have already tried several alternatives: Serum, Massive, Sylenth1, Nexus, Synthmaster, etc. But it didn't work. I can no longer be angry. I just want to get the Z3TA+2 legally. I don't have time to lament my fate.
  2. If it doesn't work on Apple Silicon Macs, I have an old Intel Mac and will use that. if I can get the macOS installer and make Avicii-like music with it, that's fine.
  3. There is no information there on how to make the Z3TA+2 available for macOS. As you can see from my very first post here, I already tried the Windows Steam version method. And again, I do not want an alternatives. I want the sound of the Z3TA+2 because even Serum could not fully reproduce the sound of the Z3TA+2.
  4. As you all know, Avicii, unlike most artists, lost his life at a young age. So his work is valuable, and recreating it or creating new work with the Z3TA+2 he used is what all music makers who loved Avicii sincerely want. This is because I sticking like a crazy to these legacy synths because I feel such great value in his sound design. The new stuff is ultimately just based on the old resources. That is why the old is sometimes necessary, because there are things out there that modern synth cannot reproduce. There is nothing new without the old. I hope you will agree with me.
  5. Just I sent and I received an email from support@cakewalk.com . Cakewalk no longer seems to be willing to provide a means of obtaining it at this time. Except for one thing. That is, the only way to get it *from the official servers* at this time is if someone has an old Cakewalk Account that contains Z3TA+2 purchase information and is willing to lend me access to it (ID and password, etc.), I may be able to get the Z3TA+2 macOS installer from via the Cakewalk Command Center. I realize there is some risk in this, but I figure it is better than getting c*ack from the internet. They are completely unofficial, but using the old Cakewalk Account is a *relatively official way* since you are using an official server. There is also less risk of computer virus infection. So I say to the license holders among you, if you can help us out, could you please tell us in another message apps? (I prefer something like Instagram or Discord, where both parties can delete messages they have sent each other. Because the other side can always delete the ID and password they sent me.) I understand that this is not the preferred method for the Cakewalk Team, BandLab Staffs, and old Cakewalk Account holders. I just couldn't reproduce the unique texture of Z3TA+2 with other synths. If this is possible, I would appreciate your help. When I am done, I will delete the ID and password you sent me from my computer and I will not be able to access it myself until you send it to me again. I regret that I am forced to take such a hard-line measure.
  6. I already own Serum, Vital, Massive, Sylenth1 etc. Is Surge different from those? And is Surge a 6-oscillators waveshaping synth like Z3TA+2?
  7. I've received the email from Gibson. " Dear Customer, Thanks for Contacting Gibson. Unfortunately, we do not have any documents or information about the cakewalk at this time. We're so sorry about that the only way we can recommend you is to contact BandLab about that. Best regards, Gibson Japan Customer Service " Unfortunately, perhaps Gibson has already given away much of the material related to Cakewalk. And that may have included the Z3TA+2 source code. But I will not give up. I will keep pursue the possibilities.
  8. I see thank you. You and I seem to be able to establish a cooperative relationship. I followed you on Instagram. If I want to discuss the Z3TA+ with you privately, I will send you an Instagram message there.
  9. Thank you very much. However, for now, I would like to wait for the official return of the Z3TA+2. I know you probably have an important family and work. I would like to avoid as much as possible taking up your valuable time to try an unofficial method, as it may be risky for both of us. However, if there is a desperate chance that BandLab will announce a Z3TA+2, then I would like to consult with you. Thank you for trying to help me.
  10. Good idea, but I'd have to start by finding a friend who has a Z3TA+ for that...
  11. I sent a message to René at Twitter X and to Gibson. I'm waiting for their replies. By the way, Could you please try email to BandLab ( info@bandlabtechnologies.com ) too? Perhaps I am the only one who is not getting a reply because I am the only one sending request emails. Maybe I need to have as many requests as possible.
  12. Should I send another email to the BandLab ( info@bandlabtechnologies.com )? I have already sent 3 emails, including one from last year. Or should I send a reply to René (?) of Twitter X ( https://x.com/rgcaudio ) ? Or should I contact Gibson at service@gibson.com or https://www.gibson.com/en-US/Support/Contact ? I hope both Win/Mac will be available again for many users.
  13. Thank you for your reply. I immediately went to the RGC:Audio website (http://www.rgcaudio.com/) from the archive and tried to contact the email address (info_request@rgcaudio.com) that was there. However, that was already a broken link. If you have valid contact information for René Ceballos, I would appreciate it if you could share it here. If you can post it here, we may be able to see more hope for resale if we make a collective request through here, rather than a single request, for example.
  14. I have been seeking Avicii's sound since I was a child. Because he was using Z3TA+. However, I didn't have the money at the time and tried to save up to buy it after I started working in 2020. However, it was already unavailable because the old Cakewalk disbanded in 2017. I really needed Z3TA+2 for my music, so I pulled out my old Windows 10 computer and installed the Steam demo version. Then I exported the CRQ file from there and tried to load it into BandLab Assistant to get the request.dat, but the specs had changed and it looked like Splice and most of the features had been removed. So I installed the Cakewalk Product Center from BandLab and tried Offline Activation, but I got this message and I could not do anything. The CRQ file is invalid for the selected application." I have tried every way possible, but there is no way to legally purchase or even activate it. Furthermore, my main machine, a Apple Silicon Mac, no longer has Z3TA+2 available. What on earth can I do? I have sent an email to BandLab asking them to reinstate it and have not received a reply in a year. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
  15. Thank you for your answer. But no, I was wondering if the Z3TA+ series software could be resurrected with a release from BandLab? I'm talking about that. I've been seeking it for some time but due to the dissolution of the former Cakewalk company in 2017 I'm currently unable to purchase it. It's in a discontinued state.
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