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Everything posted by Larioso

  1. Everytime you unfreeze something those files are not removed, I think. - and every freeze create new files - go to Project menu and look at associated audio files, or similar - those are used by project right now Even if not in project folder you can tell from name which project they belong to. - so you can remove other files that were part of that project before but not anymore It can also be loads of takes if you clear those out, if audio. - deleting takes does not remove files on disk though as I recall, or if there is an option to do that? - but they get removed from project audio files Lots and lots of space to save there.... if fixing up folder in browse tab on the right you can easily see files on disk and don't need file explorer beside CbB/Sonar. You can save locations in that menu as presets that easily can be monitored. Time stamps as well. ...there is a removal tool Clean Audio Folder on Utilities menu in CbB/Sonar too, but never used it since I don't know how exactly it works and have many different Cakewalk folders for different Sonar versions over the years.
  2. Plugins other than mono or stereo is not supported, I think. But you can create multichannel busses like for 6 channel 5.1 and others. - I used that a bit, but used PowerDirector for video to generate AC3 audio together with video. - so exported 6 channel WAV in CbB and imported 6 channel WAV file in PD and that worked fine.
  3. You should be able to do a CAL script to move the notes like that. - so manually change time signature - but nothing to make changes to tempo map AFAIK but to keep one original midi track you should be able to lock data and position, I think. - and use this as original and let CAL script create a new track with modified note positions or length or whatever but if you save any time with just this project is another matter. Here is a resource for CAL scripts https://www.hexachord.net/cakewalk-cal-scripts/ if any is close enough to just modify a bit for your purpose. You can calculate ticks from start, where your selection starts that is. - I think you can just multiply position each note ticks by 1.5 - but there is a tricky part to do on the same clip, since moving things forward in time makes you end up on those later again - so copy to a new clip on a new track I believe is the way to go Since tempos can be part of midi files, there might be a tool to modify those in another application. Save a project as midi file, and then open again after modification. - guessing here quite a bit how well that works In Sonar 4 not having snap grid on triplets I used to do similar stuff. Increase tempo by 150% and signature 12/8. You say not looking good, snap grid with triplets not ok? - you should get grid lines at triplets to see alignment Just some ideas anyway...
  4. A guy at Bluecat Audio posted these tips https://www.bluecataudio.com/Blog/tip-of-the-day/how-to-optimize-a-windows-laptop-for-low-latency-real-time-audio/ He fixed his problems - running Resplendence Latency Monitor to see what is hurting - setting cpu affinity to let some cores avoid to clash with audio Other things that comes to mind is Microsoft fablesse to make everybody logged in at Microsoft account and sync stuff and what not. I would put network wifi in flight mode or something to avoid such crap interfering. You really have to be out and about to avoid that. Turn off any hibernating too, or that occupies a lot of memory windows thinks is left over. If entire computer lags something like this might be part of issues too. Seagate has SeaTools which is rather cool to do some performance tests of drives. It does non-seagate stuff too. Hope you get some ideas...
  5. ..or as I do when continue recording on same track, extend loop, 2 count in bars at end, and let it loop each round. You also get a count in every loop which is convenient, I think. - place playback cursor at end of track and let count in there start every loop. Don't know if fixed in CbB, there is a bug in Sonar at least, if using punch in recording in combination with loop that mute previous does not work. Otherwise punch in recording would work and not overwrite part used as count in, if extending recording on same track. If using video there were also a bug if using countin, that video started some kind of strange half speed playback during count in. Not sure if that is fixed by now. I am using ClickItMaster that was a free plugin with Soundbites magazine some years ago, that is a project with Bluecat Audio Plug'n Script that let you define own patterns for metronome with triplets and whatnot. I make a click track with that that I use instead of built in metronome, since you cannot use PDC disable which also inhibit built in metronome. Could be a good thing for new Sonar to really give metronome some attention, I think.
  6. It's typical example of a redistribution file missing that should be part of install - a bit unclear if Cakewalk - or from some plugin just scanned If Cakewalk end clicking the messages, it's for Cakewalk itself. If just some plugin Cakewalk will stay on screen. First thing to try is to start Cakwalk center or the installer as administrator. Various files msvcrXXX.dll goes with compiler for software and is a shared dll, and installer for these are on the format vcredist_x64.exe or vcredist_x86.exe. And they are from various versions of visual studio used for development. Full installs should contain these files too and run them, or there is a message where download is made to get those files too. Go to Event Viewer, I think there is a message giving more info which version of visual studio. VC120 would be for v12.0 and install those. Which are needed for Cakewalk I have no clue. I only have Sonar. Just do all from Promidi's links, there is nothing bad happening running them again, I would not uninstall any of those, ever, just run them.
  7. A bit optimistic to think dongle lasts and works forever. Eventually a new os version may break function, and then you are dependent on update of software drivers. So not so independent on Steinberg at all. On a stationary desktop computer it's not such a big deal with a dongle, but on a laptop something is sticking out. - leaving computer means you'd better take the dongle with you - dropping laptop on floor, may break dongle or computer as such as mb breaks. Some solutions like Waves that can use regular memory sticks, do for my version v9.92 still, I need to go online and refresh license or you will get 20s longer project load each time, it will timeout trying to go online. Partly an effect for me being offline working in daw.
  8. Sound like "Allow system to turn off this device" is on I think device manager och look up the keyboard among sound devices, I think, take properties and Power tab. Then uncheck "Allow...."
  9. Different strokes for different folks, if that is the english expresssion. - I left StudioOne for good old Sonar Artist 2015 - showstopper issues in how all midi is transformed into automation, so first occurance of a midi CC will be used as start value for clip too and not sent where it occured. - no sysex support - found that 5-6 feature requests I had for StudioOne was already in Sonar. - to get access to StudioOne script language you need to be Illuminati, kind of, just fragments revealed to public - CAL is open to anybody - to get something like Dim on solo in StudioOne, you had to use a separate out(Anderton had a tip for that) I use daw as close as possible to tape recorder, no fancy stretching audio and stuff. Record all in realtime, program nothing. Since 10 years moved everything just about to external midi gear, synths, piano, hammond, drums apart from bass and guitars as lifelong companions. Before StudioOne I ran Cubase Pro 9.5, and least resistance was to go to StudioOne since Cubase track templates could be imported directly. So one thing for Cakewalk to think about, making people transition - low threshold. - Cubase support OMF, but then no midi included. Their xml files for track template works fine over to StudioOne. - StudioOne support AAF, also no midi. I actually moved most projects from Cubase over to Sonar instead. - I used EDL to move from Reaper to Samplitude, everything included if making midi clip a file on disk first Lowering threshold to switch daw....cost is irrelevant to what gear I invested in....
  10. I use Shuttle Express, and have for at least 7-8 years or so. As long as daw does not run as administrator it works fine. - use ring to zoom in/out timeline - jog wheel to move playback cursor - easy for left hand to find without looking I think drivers are the same as Pro. I also did on windows 11 now.
  11. I did not read any whining in this thread as much as relevant questions what price policy will be. So not talking about Cake forum at all. Other places where people does not hold back on disappointment rather and what signature listed as gear. - strange priorities some have, daw must be free I hope new Sonar and Next is a cakewalk to success. I read through my 64 page pdf with release notes, and think the three most important bugs were fixed - solo override, if that now might work as in other daws, not actually soloing anything by itself, only when soloing something else - solo overall had some strange features if soloing a bus and tracks - some punch in loop recording that did not mute previous take - something about set measure/beat at if that might be fixed, I got some strange stretching and tempo at some points I suspect Next will get the most attention, being completely new daw and all. But looking forward to new Sonar myself. Guessing authorization will be different and some hi dpi stuff.
  12. Is there a good reason to use retailers these days, just bring up MRSP quite a bit, and limit how they can sell not to make retailers mad? I am concerned Cakewalk succeed on it's own merits. Roland did not think it was a good enough business, and Gibson neither. I'm just stumped over some reactions on internet over this new Sonar as paid version. People has countless gear listed in their signature - but NO THE DAW MUST BE FREE! - what other free daws are there to swap to? Strange priorities some have IMO. Disrespectful even.... I remember some poll at Cockos forum about Reaper if they should drop eternal free trial - as I recall over 80% said no - my conclusion, vast majority never paid for Reaper Long ago I had some monitors for sale and a prospect buyer were insisting on discount on price - if it was from $115 to $100 or something - and signature from email said "sent from my iPhone" He had an iPhone and still was gready enough, that was his priority, the most exclusive smartphone at the time.
  13. ..or if possible keep CAL too. Extend even with a toolbar to quickly execute a particular script, on currently selected track and time span. My entire drum practice is built on CAL, seing how off I am on each kit piece in ticks and ms, as well as overall worst case. Many ways to use CAL, I mean. I like getting numbers on how I am doing. But if you manage to keep new Sonar completely separated on install from old Sonar, no shared folders, no shared plugin scan, I can use Sonar Artist 2015 still for drums, I guess. I had some issues uninstalling CbB, on the current Sonar install.
  14. If I get this right: - you have a simple instrument track, where there is not separate midi track for it - you render it so you get audio, if freeze or external instrument is a bit unclear - then monitor keyboard through same track stop working, which is normal, I think If wanting to play along with already rendered, create a separate midi track and point to same instrument or another instance of same instrument plugin. I tend to always create separate midi tracks, so have not encountered this. When you monitor it's always midi.
  15. I think a good project manager could take care of that. Cubase had something where you could rate with stars 1-5 among project files and such, to keep track on which state they are in. That's how I used it anyway, embryo, tracking, mixing, mastering As I recall some ability to create own categories as well. Embed all that stuff into one project I can sense loads of bugs ahead - different tempos in one file and such. How many use MixRecall in Cakewalk/Sonar today? - It has some of that altering with different versions. - but not as deep to complete arrangements I just sense bugs, and never used it. Stability is number one.....
  16. And there is volontary workers and one day just stop working on it. I have a couple of examples of a version handling system for source code, downloaders for various sites - and it just stops being maintained and left in vain CLAP can be another hype that just dies. So nothing Cakewalk should waste time on unless Waves or some major vendor provides their plugins in CLAP. it would be more useful for Cakewalk to implement VST midi plugins, since current MFX is DX based technology. With MFX bays supporting to load a VST for midi all Piz midi plugins could be used right there will all kinds of features. I can only use Piz plugins through Bluecat Audio Patchwork now, but incredibly useful. Audio plugin bays support both DX and VST, why not MFX bays?
  17. Did you try online, realtime, rendering? - more tedious but if you like the plugin I use realtime rendering as I record a Lexicon rack MX200 unit all the time. As when I render external midi gear. You get used to it. I had another issue with Arturia AnalogLab plugin more than 10 years ago. - opening a project it was -12 dB level - but opening gui once it was normal for that session
  18. Look in Tempo view and you see two decimals. So edit there, even if just one tempo entire project.
  19. It is for looks and to a large degree 4k monitors where you might want to scale things up to see them. - this is to my understanding anyway Your problems, try a couple of things - run LatencyMonitor and see if that is causing audio dropout and engine stop - set priority in Nvidia panel to performance - there is also a setting in Cakewalk/Sonar configuration how long dropout is accepted before dropping engine - any wifi in windows is often culprit, set it to flight mode and disable when doing audio work - my laptop turnes even off power to network card in flight mode to save energy
  20. Isn't there also very little that has to be vectorized - there are a lot of surfaces that are filled with a texture brush, dialogs and panels, toolbars and such - left is fonts, size of fields in dialogs, borders and windows controls which probably scale - most of that was in windows 3.x already, if called dialog units apart from pixels, that could be scaled to pixels depending on dpi of screen Icon images need to be vectorized I assume. Track icons and such. You don't need to vectorize it all, as some comments seem to suggest. Like what you see is a video frame and that has to be vectorized and then scaled, which is not the case.
  21. Yet another idea apart from Artist, Pro and Platinum like before. You have Sonar - as raw as daw comes without most exclusive plugins and synths and content overall and Sonar Suite - with all the bling-bling A lot of software has this approach. PowerDirector, Magix Independence etc. And easy to target different price points.
  22. i would really like a full blown web page showing off everything that happended since Sonar Platinum in features. Comparison table and all, since to compare with payed products. Not thinking side by side in table with other products, just Platinum and new Sonar. Unclear is also if new Sonar will be different levels, like Artist, Pro and Platinum were. That is one way of handling different wallet sizes. rather than having one size fits all. Just a listing of what happend last 5 years with Sonar to the new Sonar. It will certainly be impressive. This as soon as possible since a lot of buzz right now. Some seem to think of free daws as another type of product to compare with other free products. I think Sonar compares with any other daw.
  23. Let's be fair, you can stop paying anytime you want and the product keeps working. If subscriptions expire, then it stops working. I think the "gibson model" were ok, you could make a statement and stop paying saying I am not that satisfied. It's very much like paying for upgrades traditional way like Cubase and alike has. The difference was every month or as often as you like you got loads of bugfixes and new features with "gibson model". I did the annual model and it was perfect for me. My objection is the 6 months mandatory activation period as CbB. Three years ago and it was time for reactivation and it did not work. So uninstalled CbB and went back to good old Sonar Artist 2015, and has been on that since. New computer since 5 month, and only daw installed is Sonar Artist. My path has been Fostex Portastudios beginning millenium, nTrack, Sonar Studio 4, Sonar Studio 8.5, Reaper 3-4, Samplitude ProX2, Sonar X3, Cubase Pro 8-9.5, StudioOne 4, Sonar Artist. And evaluated ProTools somewhere in between there. Sonar stands the test. So look forward to a new Sonar unless some mandatory activation period. Cubase or Gibson models are fine with me.
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