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As I stated previously, I don't have problems with exports, just with live playback. In fact, exports work fine even without markers. When I added markers to test, CBB ignores the markers during live playback because of the arpeggiator. It's possible that other FX could do the same thing, but I didn't test any others because I wasn't using them. That said, if there are other causes of CBB ignoring endpoints, your suggestion may help someone else, so thanks for sharing.
No hidden tracks - I started my test in a new project with no tracks. But that can be a cause of what I'm seeing, it's just not the cause in this case. The arpeggiator is the culprit in my situation. Freezing the track or deleting the arpeggiator resolves the problem of live playback not stopping.
Thanks for this. I tried another experiment, freezing the track with the MIDI arpeggiator. The resulting audio track did indeed extend beyond the end of the song by about a measure and a half. As an audio track, this merely pushed the end of the song out that far, but CBB did stop playback at the end. Unfreezing the track reverted to the non-stopping playback issue. With that, I tried removing some of the clips so that the "overhang" would not exceed the intended end of the song. The results were mixed: If I began playback in a measure that did not have any MIDI data on the arpeggiated track, and no MIDI data existed on that track from that point through the end of the song, playback would stop correctly. If playback began in an empty measure, but the track did contain MIDI data between the start of playback and the end of the song, playback would not stop. If I began playback in a measure containing MIDI data (notes) on the arpeggiated track, playback would not stop. UNLESS the arpeggiated track was muted, in which case playback would stop. I also tried adding an automation control point beyond where the frozen track audio endpoint was, to see if this would prevent MIDI signal on the unfrozen arpeggiated track from overlapping the endpoint, but playback did not stop. It would appear that if the MIDI arpeggiator is applied to the track and does anything from the start of playback, CBB will not stop at the end of the song, regardless of when in the song the arpeggiation happens.
Oddly, I don't have a problem with export not stopping where I want, just live playback. When I select all, the proper song length exists, CBB just won't stop live playback at the end. Strange that the MIDI arpeggiator is the culprit.
I know my post was rather long, so perhaps you missed the part where there was nothing to delete, and the part where removing the MIDI arpeggiator fixed the problem. Thus, the real issue is identified - not rogue data after where I want the song to end that needs deleted, but a problem with the MIDI arpeggiator. My post was detailed in my steps so that others, if interested, could replicate my process to see that one doesn't need obscure control data after the desired song endpoint for CBB to continue playing, and others to realize that the possible source of their playback-not-stopping problems is not fixed by "delete everything that comes after where you want the song to end" kinds of solutions. While that can be a solution, it is not always a solution, and this is proof.
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I did send this to support, but I wanted to post my findings for others to know about the cause/effect.
Doesn't work for the situation I outlined. Cakewalk happily plays beyond the marker.
I know this is an old thread, but I, too, have been experiencing CW not stopping at the end of a song. I tried all the solutions I could find on new and old message boards, and nothing seemed to work. I just started working on a new song, so rather than start with a previous song as a "template", I saved out all tracks as template tracks and brought them into my project individually, checking if CW would play for each group I brought in. Nothing played (as expected) because there was no MIDI or audio data in the project. Next, I created a 4-measure open 5th chord for my ambient pads. I stretched it to cover 4 measures and made it a loop clip. I had it in just the first of my 5 ambient synth tracks. I clicked "Play", and it played for 4 measures and stopped. Cheered on by this minor victory, I copied it to each successive track and tested. It stopped until I got to the fifth and final ambient pad track. When the loop clip was copied to that track, CW kept on playing, even though there was no note data, no special data, no automation, no anything! At that point, I deleted the clip from that track and re-tested, and CW stopped at the end again. After that bit of verification, I split the track into the synth and MIDI tracks to see what was up. After removing the audio FX (one at a time and re-testing each time), and getting nowhere, I looked at the MIDI track, and there was the Cakewalk FX Arpeggiator in the track FX box. I deleted the arpeggiator and re-tested, and CW stopped at the end of the song! After an undo, I simply turned off the arpeggiator and re-tested, and CW likewise stopped at the end of the song. I tried attaching the CW FX Arpeggiator to the loop clip instead of to the MIDI track, and I got arpeggiation without CW fritzing out and trying to play beyond the end of the song! HOWEVER! While this avoids the problem with not stopping at the end of the song, it is a pain to have to attach the FX to all my loop clips on that track, or having to bounce the whole bit to a single clip and apply once, and hope I don't need to change anything. Ideally, CW would just stop at the end, regardless of having the Arpeggiator FX attached to the track, but at least there's an identifiable reason that isn't "Just delete the invisible data beyond the end of the song." : ) Hopefully, this bit of info will help BandLab figure out a real solution, and will help other CW users not pull out their hair in the interim.