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Everything posted by subvibe

  1. Hi Great song & great mix well done Mark & Gary subvibe
  2. subvibe

    Back Seat Lover

    Thanks @mark skinner yes i also heard the pop well spotted but i forgot to take it out the Bass is from Spire & almost all the pads/plucks etc i use are also Spire they almost use no memory i side chained the kick & bass to try to carve some space in the mix also recently i have been doing that also with the vocals using Soothe 2 on the stereo bus so also trying to carve space for the vocals in the mix once again many thx for your comments always appreciated subvibe
  3. subvibe

    Back Seat Lover

    Hi i have done a new song Its Pop with a retro Soul feel Back Seat Lover Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  4. Hi @mark skinner the fusion between Indian & western music is always very interesting the pulsing almost hypnotic beats & a different scales make is something special many years ago there was a hit by monsoon & it still feels fresh today every so lonely i have a lot of respect for you trying different styles & your musicianship is second to none Keep up the Great work subvibe
  5. Hi Mark another excellent song i have been to India a few times & its a vibrant country & you capture the emotion perfectly the rhythm gives it a solid drive without it being over powering & the intricate guitar weaving through just adds so much flavour to this song , its your 2nd song with this Indian vibe when are we going to hear something latin cuban etc I am sure excel at that style too Top Stuff subvibe
  6. Thanks Mark i tried a Spring Reverb on the middle guitar part & it completely changed the character of it basically the idea came after watching a tutorial video on you tube by Dom Sigalas he has done it on a real guitar & it sounded impressive so i thought i would give it a try spring reverb i suppose like any effect it needs to be used sparingly subvibe
  7. Hi here is a new song i have done tried to create a deep melodic feel more than a lover Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  8. subvibe


    Hi @DeeringAmps thanks for the Kind Words there are more on Sound Cloud & some more here subvibe subvibe
  9. Hi Love this concept Its calming & really draws you in Guitar sound is beautiful subvibe
  10. subvibe

    Out of Control

    Hi Here is a new song i have done , Its a tongue in cheek look at woman's obsession with expensive handbags Out of Control Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  11. Hi Great sounding & a wide mix a song with tons of power subvibe
  12. subvibe


    Hi @hsmusic & @Bajan Blue Thanks , took your recommendation on board & changed the Intro the outro i changed to a fadeout Mystery subvibe
  13. subvibe


    Thanks i will give that a try subvibe
  14. subvibe


    Hi i have done a new song , Its in the genre Pop Mystery Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  15. Hi Mark truly amazing track great groove & shows your incredible musical talent No Crits from me subvibe
  16. subvibe

    Too Sweet

    Hi i did this song more as a experiment , i wanted to see if i can get a warm analogue feel with the minimal amount of instruments & almost no vocals as tempting as it is to keep adding more i decided not to Its as slow Lounge Feel sound cloud link Too Sweet Thanks for taking the time to Listen
  17. subvibe


    Hi i have done a new song , its a bit different than my usual chill out style this has a Melancholy feel to it . Its uncomplicated & i have tried a guitar type solo in the middle soundcloud link Lost Thanks for listening subvibe
  18. Hi What a wonderful collaboration the song flows & has a really good drive to it The Guitars & vocals /harmonies are well thought out i had the pleasure of doing a collaboration with Mark & it was a fantastic & learning experience he has so much talent & also willing to think outside the box on Genres that are not common to him Together you make a excellent team & it shows in this song subvibe
  19. subvibe


    Hi here is a new song i have done I have tried to create a ambient feel with a modern touch sound cloud link Heart Heart Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  20. Hi Here is my new song in the series of smooth songs i have tried to keep it simple & melodic Round two Burning me Up Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  21. Hi another song in my series of laid back songs Everything & More Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  22. subvibe

    Break Up

    Hi Here is a new song i have done , Its in a pop laid back style Break Up Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  23. subvibe

    Broken Dreams

    Hi @Wookiee yes thats a good point , i have messed around with my Synology & activated HTTPS but it seemed to cause some problems also importing the certificates I will have another mess around with it subvibe
  24. subvibe

    Broken Dreams

    hi @Keith Wilby FYI its also not the genre i listen to But strangely i like to produce this kind of stuff for me the challenge is to try to keep it smooth @mark skinner Thanks for listening Mark i have learned a lot from you subvibe
  25. subvibe

    Broken Dreams

    Hi just done a new song , I tried to keep a smooth & moody flow to it Broken Dreams Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
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