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  1. subvibe

    No Regrets

    Hi @garybrun Thanks for tweaking the Mix subvibe
  2. subvibe

    No Regrets

    Hi Here is a new song i have done tried to get a modern Dua Lipa type feel No Regrets Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  3. subvibe

    You Got me Right

    Hi Here is a new song i have done Tried to get a analogue feel You get me Right Thanks for Listening subvibe
  4. subvibe


    Hi @equality thanks for listening & your comments to be honest i am not so happy with this song it seems to stumble in places but posted it for comments hopefully my next one will better THX subvibe
  5. subvibe


    Hi Here is a new song i have done It has a Pop Soul feel Falling Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  6. Hi @mark skinner only just got chance to listen I was on vacation in Egypt lovely flow to this song & a crystal clear mix always the highest standards we are used to from you & gary Super Cool Well Done subvibe
  7. subvibe

    Its True

    Hi A friend of mine asked if i could do a synth pop song i thought i would give it a try for the experience Its True Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  8. subvibe


    @equality Brilliant ... Love the E Piano groove it all flows perfectly . i am envious how you get the clarity in your mixes would love to learn how you are achieving it Top Stuff subvibe
  9. subvibe

    Celestial Oblivion

    Hi a lot going on here great build ups & orchestration minor crit Sometimes the vocals get lost in the mix but probably the genre of music subvibe
  10. subvibe


    Hi Cool Sounds & Smooth vibe I love It subvibe
  11. subvibe

    Tight Wire

    Hi @mark skinner Great flow to this song & the mastering from @garybrun is top class no crits here .. amazing as always subvibe
  12. Hi Here is a new song i have done Tried to keep a warm smooth vibe Thinking About You Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
  13. subvibe

    My Head has Gone

    Hi @garybrun @mark skinner many thanks Gary for the tweaks on the master really appreciate it subvibe
  14. subvibe

    My Head has Gone

    Hi Here is a new song i have done, Its in a pop ambient style My Head has Gone Thanks for taking the time to listen subvibe
  15. subvibe

    Don't go There

    Hi 1st song of 2025 Its a laid back Pop Song Thanks for taking the time to Listen subvibe
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