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Murray Webster

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Everything posted by Murray Webster

  1. I forgot how painful Cakewalk Command Center is, checking for Products after every install. Grrrr - is there any way round this? Thanks
  2. OK, so presumably I don't need the CbB add-ons in addition to Platinum? Thanks
  3. OK looks like X2 was the last version with it. I got used to it and I think it was fairly usable. Melodyne is better though ?
  4. ...thanks guys. Mind you, did VVocal reach its apotheosis of development in a later version before being discontinued?
  5. Thanks CJ. OK so I think I'll do X2 first then Splat and some selected older VSTs then CbB? I use the full version of Melodyne now but have older projects with Vvocal ?
  6. Hi all, I need to install Sonar Platinum / CbB 64-bit on a new Win 10 laptop. Also I will need some old plugins and instruments e.g. VVocal, Lexicon Pantheon etc. so based on my Win 7 installation I think I need X2 and Sonar 5 and 8. r So shall I go for Platinum via the Command Center first then the old plugins then CbB or do I need an old version with VVocal first? Thanks! M
  7. 23.10.0 Build 14 (2017.10) I opened Cakewalk and one missing synth was Pentagon, which they presumably don't have a license for - any others? Thanks!
  8. Hello guys, Are projects saved in Bandlab backwards compatible? Does it matter if not? Thanks! M
  9. OK thank you scook ? Perhaps it could be quite helpful to let us know space requirements in the installer. Most other companies do.
  10. Thanks guys! If I try Cakewalk, do I need to install the add-on Studio Instruments, Drum Replacer and Melodyne? Not sure how much space that will all take up? I still have the Melodyne 4.1 installer - any news from Celemony on fixing any known issues? Cheers Murray
  11. Hi, I have an issue with the last release of Sonar where Melodyne clip manipulation will freeze or crash the audio engine (I have an I7 desktop cpu in my laptop with 16GB RAM so plenty of power I think). I have a Clarett 4Pre USB I/F. Does Cakewalk by Bandlab solve this issue and what will I lose by using the free version (are any updates included?) Thanks!
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