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Piotr Bendyk

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  1. The main problem with this "new synth" is that it's basically the same synth with small changes, but with "new" name. New features are (please, do not laugh): 1. AUTOMATION! You may ask why it's even a feature. All synths have possibility to use automation, right? WRONG! ORB Synth didn't have that option because was not reporting any knobs to DAW so you didn't have any possibility to use automation. Even "last tweaked" in FL works that way - it must first recongize knob by it's name and then you can connect automation to it. In case ORB Synth - your DAW just didn't know that any knob was moved! So now - great feature - automation is working! 2. NEW EFFECT! Yeah! You can now use brand new chorus effect! It's FOURTH effect in this synth - after delay, reverb and drive. None of them working so good before, so I don't expect that this chorus will be good. But yes - it's new effect! Not first, not second, not third but FOURTH effect! 3. IMPORT WAVETABLES! You may not know that, but ORB Synth was wavetable (only) synthesizer without possibility to import custom wavetables (or generate any). Something like tomato soup without tomatoes. Now import custom wavetables is a new feature! 4. Improved unison sound quality Yes, that is on changelist. Well, previously unison do not work so good, so now I suppose it starts working proper. Great feature. Bugfixing is now a feature! 5. Oscillator fine tune Should I coment it at all? 6. 100+ presets Not 20, not 25, not 30, not 35... not 95, not even 100, but 100+ presets! 7. And much more! This feature is really great, because there is not enough changes that would justify changing the name and selling the same product a second time. If I add that there is only one glide mode (glide always with retrigger and only in poly mode), last version was released over 2 years ago (and then no fixes, no updates at all), support ignores customers, you cannot be sure that after you save your project, your preset will be restored proper after reload etc. - the only I can say is - STAY AWAY from this synth! Or buy it. But then don't be surprised if they will release "Orb Synth XX" or "Orb Synth Deluxe" after 1-2 years and you will be forced to pay for update (update, not upgrade, because number of changes is too small for calling it "upgrade"). UPDATE: After a month they change their mind and now they now sell "upgrade" for $29! Wait a little more and they sell it for $5 for everyone, because with their sales policy and not respecting customers, they will not sell more than few copies to people who never saw good synth and buying stuff based on promo description.
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