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Kat Craig

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Everything posted by Kat Craig

  1. Yeah for whatever reason those buttons are disabled for me.
  2. Maybe I need to uninstall them and reinstall them again... its just so weird.
  3. Yeah I did change drives when I upgraded the system. But I also uninstalled and reinstalled them on the new drive, I'm just not sure why it isn't recognizing the new drive.
  4. The file name is wrong though, I have all of my plugins installed in C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins Not the D drive. Does that not matter?
  5. Hi everyone, I recently upgraded my PC with a new cpu, motherboard etc, and upgraded to windows 11. After re-installing my plugins and activating them, cakewalk is still linking them to an old folder that no longer exists...I've added the correct folders for scanning but the scan button is disabled for on that screen. I can click scan on the main cakewalk screen, but nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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