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Hosam Adeeb Nashed

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Everything posted by Hosam Adeeb Nashed

  1. As a matter of fact, I did try something (I suppose similar) on the laptop; So, through the NVIDIA control app, I switched back and for between the Intel chip/NVIDIA chip, still with no difference in the Event List display. I'm not sure of a better way of doing it. I did consider uninstalling the driver, or even deleting the hardware from the Control Panel/Devices, but I wasn't quite sure how the whole system would function then...
  2. Oh, yes! The interface is in English alright. I think this is also apparent in the image attached above.
  3. Let me just add another, even more frustrating, note: I'm having this same problems on two different machines: a desktop with an NVIDIA card, and an HP laptop (which happens to have another NVIDIA chip...). This is the reason I had posted an earlier call for help almost two years ago, and then now.
  4. The resolution on my machine is 1440x900. I hope the png attached gives an idea.
  5. Oh, yes! I've trying to solve this issue for some time, in vain... I tried and tried to catch where I could change the EL background, suspecting the same problem, but couldn't find that bit anywhere. As mentioned in my original post, I did try to change the theme or its details, but to no avail. I hope a solution could be found...
  6. Hi there, I'm having a strange problem with the Event List. You see, no data is displayed, no matter how I try to tinker with the theme or colours. I mean, I'm having no trouble at all with any other programmes on my machine (freshly updated Windows 11), because at one point I suspected the display driver could be causing troubles. Any suggestions would be heartily appreciated. Thanks a million times in advance. Hosam Adeeb Nashed
  7. Dear BandLab, I've been using Cakewalk for ages on older Windows version, but now I'm using your Cakewalk on Win 11, on an HP laptop. The problem I'm having currently is that (as the attached screen shot shows) the Note names aren't showing, nor are many other data fields. As you can imagine, this makes the view quite limiting. I've tried changing the theme and the workspace, but in vain. I'd be eternally grateful if you would just point me in the right direction. Thanks a million in advance.
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