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Everything posted by dalemccl

  1. I have my Cakewalk project files, including the associated wav files, on a slow spinning hard drive. I want to use an SSD instead. If I copy all my existing project files to the SSD and change the location of project files in Preferences to the SSD, is that all I need to do? Update: I tried what I said above and it worked. Should have tried it before posting.
  2. Figured it out. Pls disregard the post. Would delete if I knew how. I am trying out vocal comping in Cakewalk for the first time. I watched an excellent video by Mike at Creative Sauce on how to do this. Everything he showed works for me except, when I decide which "take" I want to keep for a particular phrase, he (and the Cakewalk documentation) said to hit the "enter" key while that take is selected and it will be promoted. When I do that, it doesn't promote the take; it just plays the song; the same as if I had hit the spacebar or clicked on the Play button. The main track still contains the last take recorded. (That's with playback stopped when I hit the enter key. If I hit the enter key while the take is playing, it stops playback; the same as if I had hit the space bar.) The enter key seems to be acting as a play/stop toggle. I checked to see if sometime in the past I had assigned the spacebar as a keyboard shortcut for "play", but didn't find that to be the case. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  3. Thank you, rsinger! I had been using the downward facing triangle to load programs into the 8 Combi slots, but never noticed that the GM programs then became available at the top. I was leaving it on the default "Factory" setting. Now I see "GM" right next to "Factory".
  4. bvideo, I think that is what I will try to do. Thanks!
  5. bvideo, please see attached screenshot. When I have the Triton vst in Combi mode, there are 8 slots, but the only banks I see available to choose from are the 11 Combi "Factory" banks, A-N. The attached screen shot shows Banks A through H visible, with a horizontal scroll bar which scrolls to out to the remaining Banks. GM is not shown as an available bank. If I switch to Program mode, the GM banks become available, but there is only 1 slot. I don't see a way to put a GM program instrument into a Combi slot. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  6. Thanks, John. I don't see a Global Multi and it is not mentioned in the manual. I had a Korg X5DR rack mount unit and it worked fine for GM playback. I kind of wish I hadn't sold it. The Triton vst Combi mode has 8 channels and I can assign a different instrument to each, although not from the GM banks since those banks are only available in the Program mode. But there are plenty of equivalent instruments in the Combi mode. I guess I will need to try more using than one instance of the Triton vst when there are more than 8 tracks in the MIDI sequence.
  7. Edit: I think I should have posted this in the Instruments and Effects sub-form. Is there a way to move it to there? I just bought the Korg Triton/Triton Extreme vst plugin for use in Cakewalk. In some situations I want to use the Triton Extreme vst's GM banks for some existing MIDI files where the instrument patches are set up for GM. Just like I would use TTS-1 or the Roland Sound Canvas vst, With TTS-1 and Sound Canvas vst I can play the MIDI file and the instruments are automatically assigned to each channel/track. In the Triton Extreme vst, the GM banks are only available in the Program mode, not in the Combi mode. There is only one channel available in the Program mode, unlike TTS-1 and Sound Canvas where there are multiple channels. To use the Triton GM banks for multiple tracks, do I need to add as many instances of the vst as there are tracks in the MIDI file, and set each instance to the desired GM instrument patch? (That workflow would be inconvenient.) Hopefully there is a better way. Any suggestions? Thanks
  8. Thanks Promidi!! I got the file; only thing is the size is slightly different. I got 590,811,792 bytes instead of 590,811,736 you mentioned.
  9. I am the original poster. I'm sorry, I seemed to have unintentionally ignited a lively discussion. But I haven't seen an answer to my question about obtaining the full Cakewalk installation file instead of just the small installer, which is all that is available on the Bandlab website. I watched a couple older youtube videos about installing Cakewalk by Bandlab, and in their screenshots they showed a choice of installing via Bandlab Assistant or what appeared to be a download a file to install the full program. That choice is no longer there. The small installer is all that is available to download, as far as I can find.. I am concerned that if I ever need to re-install, and all I have saved is the small installer file, and if Bandlab no longer makes the full program available to the small installer, I will be out of luck. I am sure others would be in the same boat. So, does anyone know how to get the latest full version to be able to install later regardless of what Bandlab decides to do in the future?
  10. As someone who wants to continue using Cakewalk after the new Sonar becomes available, I am wondering about re-installation in the future in case of a new PC, hard drive crash etc. I have saved the Cakewalk download, but that appears to be just a small installer that downloads the full installation file and installs it. I am wondering if Bandlab will still have the full installation file available in the future. Has anyone heard? Is there something I can do now to have the full installation file on my system?
  11. When I open a General MIDI type 1 file, Cakewalk automatically adds TTS-1 to the project and assigns all the tracks to it. That is convenient, except that I bought the Roland Sound Canvas VA virtual instrument and want to use that instead of TTS-1. As it is, I have to delete TTS-1, and then manually assign each track to the Sound Canvas (they remain assigned to TTS-1 even after I delete it from the project.) Is there a way to change the default from TTS-1 to the Sound Canvas plugin ,so when a MIDI file is opened, it adds the Sound Canvas instrument and assigns the track to it?
  12. I've been away from Cakewalk/Sonar for nearly a decade, but getting back into it now. In the old Sonar days, if I recall correctly, in the event list view for a MIDI track, you could mouse click on the note name (e.g. Bb) and hear the sound of that note. In Cakewalk for Bandlab, I hear no sound when clicking on the note name. Is this supposed to work in the current Cakewalk? (Maybe I am remembering wrong.)
  13. Thanks for the further insight. I need to read your last reply again, slowly, and digest it. Especially your workflow, which I will want to try out.
  14. Thanks, that helps a lot. I've forgotten a lot in the 10+ years since I used to do quite a bit of audio and MIDI work in Sonar (as a hobby, not pro).
  15. Thanks. I see the volume events, as well as chorus and reverb events, at the beginning of each MIDI track. But there are no bank/patch events in any track. Yet TTS-1 knows which instruments/patches to play. In the absence of bank/patch events, is there some other way the MIDI file could be telling TTS-1 which instruments to assign?
  16. After more than ten years of not doing anything with music, I am back using Cakewalk (was Sonar back when I was using it before.) Seems I have forgotten a lot about Cakewalk in those 10 years . I have a lot of type 1 General MIDI files I had downloaded from internet MIDI file websites in those days. When I play them now with TTS-1 loaded, the instruments for each track are automatically assigned to TTS-1, so it sounds right when I play it. My recollection from the old days is that GM MIDI files had a patch change event at the beginning of each track to tell a GM-compliant hardware sound module, or vsti, which instruments to assign. But when I look at the event list for each track, there are no patch change events shown. (All event types, including Patch Change, are checked in the Event Manager). How else could these GM MIDI files be telling TTS-1 which patch/instrument to use for each track? Thanks.
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