Admins, ban me, if it warrants, upon this outburst: SCREW THIS CakeWalk web-installer!
@ 2-3 MBPS, this new 12 Gb pack finished in less than 1 hour, taking the total to 16GB+ and still downloading!
If it tells the user beforehand that this much data shall be used for the basic download, one could make arrangements. There is no offline installer available, at least not on the page mentioned in @65_Skook's response above.
If you think 566 MB is large, wait until you see the size of some third party libraries..... (UVI world Suite 2 clocks in at 28.5 gig, Sampletank 4 Max clocks in at 260GB. Some libraries are even larger)
No libraries touched, yet. Just the basic setup. Such a bad experience through the CakeWalk installer. Giving up on this!
No where it was mentioned that this shall take a 16+ GB download. At least BandLab people could mention it on the download page!