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  1. I agree, that would be very cool. If only I knew where to start!
  2. I have found this thread particularly interesting as it has shown me things I wasn`t previously aware of. My music PC is a lowly i3 quad core 3.6Ghz, 32 Gb RAM machine which I chose as I reasoned ( incorrectly it seems ) would be fine as it`s only audio and I`m not messing with video. Now I realise that processing VST`s in real time, like synths and guitar sims is pretty heavy duty processing and it may be the cause of occasional audio glitches. My current effort only has about 12 tracks but 4 are Analog 5 synths and 4 have instances of Overloud TH3 on them. If I remember correctly, playing it through the processing load on the PC was a reasonable 25-30% ( max 60% ) and the Audio engine was up at around 65% ( max 95% ), with some late buffers. Running at 1024 samples for playback. I have to reduce it to 256 samples for tracking. To ease the load I then disabled some other audio drivers ( as recommended in previous posts ) froze the tracks with synths and TH3 on them and the performance was much more comfortable. At the risk of sounding like a newb, the questions I have are 1. What are late buffers 2. Would they perhaps be the cause of occasional audio glitches 3. Is the audio engine the processing part of Cakewalk 4. Would the late buffers potentially be the cause of some audio glitches 5. Do I need a better machine. Thanks Keith
  3. It`s a mk 2. I went through the usual procedure and eventually got it sort of working but only in a very limited fashion. It became a very expensive start/stop/jog button. I have arranged to return it as I have only had it a couple of days. Apparently the more expensive 8/16 fader versions work better, but I`m not sure I want to risk it. It would be nice to find a controller that works really well but it seems that the Behringer, and the Icon offerings also have their limitations and quirks. Thanks for all the suggestions Keith
  4. I have just bought a Faderport ( single fader version ) and it doesn`t seem to want to work with Cakewalk. I have gone through the same routine I used to install my Arturia Keylab midi keyboard, which has some transport controls on it, but to no avail. I was under the impression that the faderport was compatible with Sonar/Cakewalk but on checking the manual I can`t find a suitable "mode" to set it to. Has anyone got any pointers? Keith
  5. It seems that Spitfire Audio`s BBC Orchestra is failing to open in Cakewalk, although it fires up okay in Mixcraft. The folder for the dll file is listed in the search box. I have uninstalled and re-installed but no luck, any ideas? Keith
  6. I have been pondering the thought of acquiring a control surface for some time. Compatibility between the surface and the DAW seems to be the main stumbling block. All surfaces, perhaps excluding the Faderport if using Studio 1, seem to have varying problems with communication. I understand that most use a standard form of Mackie control, and I was wondering if Bandlab had given any thought to the possibility of easing any potential issues with the new release. Or if that is even possible. I will be holding fire for the time being, but I might, in the mean time try to get hold of a demo of Studio 1 to test it out as I think that if I buy the Faderport it seems to include Studio 1 Artist which would probably be fine for me. Just thinking out loud really.
  7. Thanks, it seems to be working again
  8. Now I get repeated sign in timed out messages. I tried signing into bandlab assistant but the log in button doesn`t work. There`s nothing in the drop down help menu that seems to want to help
  9. Hello, I just tried to download and install the latest update and I got the message " Cakewalk experienced a problem with activation, please contact support (4)" Any ideas? Keith
  10. At the risk of coming across as low rent or cheap, I feel obliged to comment. Basically it comes down to how much? Realistically, we can`t expect a very accurate price to be announced at this stage. But perhaps a "ball park" number would be helpful. @ £100 I`m probably in, I like the software and I can carry on working on my stuff ( such as it is ) until the changeover without any worries. Yes I`m aware that CbB is supposed to carry on unsupported, but we do have that periodic re-authorisation to think about. @ £200 or more, It will be time for me to start looking around now and auditioning other options, finishing off what is currently in CbB with a view to moving on. After all, then the next few months could be used more productively than just hoping for the best. There are a few options in the £100 or less range to be looked at but it would be nice to know now, whether or not we will have to go through the work of learning new software. Which I find a pain. @ Subscription, I`m out of here. Sorry. So in conclusion, a ball park number would help a lot
  11. I started a few years ago with Reaper, used it for a while, felt a bit guilty and decided to buy the personal use license which I think was about £40 at the time. Unfortunately I couldn`t really get to grips with it so I went looking for something a little simpler to use and came across Mixcraft. This was easier to use, and so more enjoyable and I paid about £70 for it. Every couple of years it was revamped into a new release which existing customers could get, if they so desired, at around a 50% discount, so all good there. Unfortunately, Mixcraft started to get a bit crashy and I very nearly lost a lot of projects so I had a look around and came across Cakewalk. I tried it out and I have to admit when I opened it up it was pretty intimidating, but after a few hours playing with it, it was humming along nicely and I have used it ever since with no issues. Got to love that pro channel. Obviously this free to use situation was too good to be true and could never realistically last, so this news is not unexpected. The only question to be answered really is about the pricing. For me, not a heavy user, if it`s a case of a one off payment in the region of £80 to £100 with new versions every couple of years at a 40 % discount to existing users, then I could go for that. If on the other hand we`re talking more like £200 or God forbid a subscription then that would be too rich for me and I would be compelled to give Reaper another try, or see if Mixcraft has become more stable, which would be no real hardship as I have already paid once so it wouldn`t be to expensive to re-visit and upgrade a bit. Time will tell of course, but I will keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
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