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  1. New computer, installed Cakewalk anew. When recording Midi, I am getting triple notes recorded (one of which is length 0, the other two close to the correct length but not exactly the same as each other). What's more, while playback seems ok, scrubbing in PRV does not work. Anyone know what's going on?
  2. OK, stupid, my USB hub was not plugged in well enough so Cakewalk was looking at the ASIO driver for my monitor. Plugged it in tighter, all is well. Is it just me, or is a computer problem which comes down to a problem in the physical world feel weirdly satisfying?
  3. Working on a new computer, Cakewalk seems to be working fine so far. However, I am now getting an error that tells me the Realtek ASIO driver is "known to be incompatible with Cakewalk. Continuing to use this driver may lead to instability." Has anyone encountered this? What am I supposed to do about it?
  4. I find myself suddenly in the market for a new laptop. I've been using a Surface Pro 7 for five years, which has been ok, not great, but good enough. Frequent audio engine dropouts I finally had to just live with, and CW typically used > 50% of my 16 Gb of RAM, with all the synths and plugins I am using simultaneously. I'm looking at all the dizzying array of laptops and specs, and would really like to know which specs I should be looking at, and which specs I can skimp on. I'm using the EastWest Composer Cloud libraries via an external SSD, and storing my data on an external HD which is slow as hell but big. (Some of my audio dropouts were type (5) because of this, though most were type (1).) I don't do gaming, but I do some graphics and video editing. It's mostly my Cakewalk machine though, so that's the critical path I need to follow here. I've read a lot about the new Surface Pro 11 machines, but they talk about potential compatibility issues with the ARM chips they use. Is Cakewalk vulnerable to this? Any thoughts?
  5. If there is a way to copy clip automation to a new clip, that's really what I want to know, but I think it can't be done. So here's my scenario: I have a 30 minute audio clip with a gain envelope on it containing about 50 nodes which even out volume in lots of places. I now have a new source audio file which is mostly the same but it has some minor changes in it. The gain clip envelope still applies, however. What I want to do is replace the original clip with the new audio but retain the painstakingly-crafted gain clip envelope. My understanding (now, <sniff>) is that you can't copy clip envelopes. Which is a real drag, not only for the above scenario, but also because only with clip envelopes do I get real-time waveform feedback, which for a long file like this is essential to be able to pick out the audio spikes that need repair. Track automation envelopes don't do this. Which is why I used a clip envelope in the first place. And if the answer is I have to manually create a new clip envelope on the new audio track, sigh, so be it. However, it's likely yet another version of the original audio will need to be used and I'll have to go through this all over again. Suggestions?
  6. Don't know how this broke, but piano patches no longer automatically perform a pedal up when I stop playback, so I have to either whomp the pedal every time, assuming the piano is the active track, or else hit the Reset audio button every time. What got flipped and how do I flip it back?
  7. Anyone who's been keeping score here knows the hassles I've been undergoing with the final work on my project. OneDrive, corrupted CWP files, crashes, etc. And here's yet another one: I moved all my work off OneDrive and onto an external HD, and that has seemed to work well. However, after working just a minute, playback takes a long time to begin, maybe 5 seconds after space bar. Also, now that I am on the final mastering stage, I have the entire suite in a single audio-only project. No effects on anything, just an audio track for each instrument and sound effect, looks to be 80 tracks, with usually fewer than 30 ever playing simultaneously. And again, no FX and almost no envelopes. Yet. But I am getting audio engine dropout repeatedly with code (5): "Disk reading overloaded and could not keep up with playback pump. Disk may be fragmented or too slow to read." I do not want to defragment the drive with my whole project on it, and as the thing has gotten little use since I bought it, that seems unlikely and not worth the risk. Is there anything I can do about it or is it just plain too slow and that's that?
  8. Tried dragging the corrupted file into an empty project from the CbB browser. No go.
  9. UPDATE: Part of the problem came from my reference mp3 routing through the Master Bus, which gave it a double dose of Master Bus effects. That cleared up a bunch, and more was cleared up by finding some bus envelopes I'd neglected, but this harmonica thing is still way too quiet. It's so weird. If I max it to +6.0 it's just about right.
  10. Not sure what you're suggesting exactly, but it sounds like one of those myriad CW features I don't know about. Would whatever it is you're describing cause it to create a whole new project with data from the old project, or is it just another way to open it?
  11. Well, I first had to learn what offset mode was and then, no it's not that.
  12. Skipping the long preamble. I'll pick up where my project will not input or output audio, and I've given up trying to figure out why. So I created a new project and am painstakingly recreating every track with it's bus chain and FXs and everything. Though the original corrupted project does not play or export, I can access everything in the project as normal. I just can't play it or input Midi into it. Nuff said, moving on... I have been comparing my new project with the mp3 reference I made of the original one before it got corrupted. Most of it sounds really close, so that's a relief, but some tracks are noticeably louder or quieter. I haven't looked at all of the errant tracks yet, and it's likely that on some of them I just missed a setting. But I'm starting with this first track, which is a lot quieter in the new project. It was not bounced Midi; it was a live recording. I have double checked that the following things all match on the source and target tracks: * Bus chain * Track volume * Bus volumes all the way up * FX chain with all FX settings on all relevant busses * Envelopes (there are none) What am I missing that would cause the two tracks to sound so different?
  13. I have been having a lot of CW troubles the past few days. Crashes on startup, etc. That is in the works and is covered in a separate thread. This is a different thing, though probably related. I am getting dropouts almost immediately when playing back my projects, with error code (1), so it is unable to process audio in time. This project I'm looking at right now contains half a dozen Opus Play instruments loaded from an external SSD drive, and 1-2 audio tracks. * Buffer size is maxed out to Safe. * FX are disabled. * ASIO driver mode. * Focusrite drivers up to date, Windows up to date It's worked ok for years with much bigger projects. (This project actually contains about 40 Opus Play tracks, but all but half a dozen are frozen and empty anyway.) Any ideas?
  14. After sending a crash dump to CW Support, they asked me to try starting it with the audio interface unplugged, and that worked. I switched driver mode to WASAPI Shared and opened a project but it would not play, the shuttle sitting frozen. Switched back to ASIO and CW still opens normally, but now I am getting Dropouts immediately though only half a dozen tracks are involved AND FX are disabled. For which I am starting a new thread.
  15. I've discovered that CW crashes upon startup every time, but if instead of clicking on the CW icon in the Taskbar, I click on a cwp file in File Explorer, that the project opens (--- for a while, until it crashes again). Is this a clue for anyone?
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