I had the same problem lately. I got used to FL years ago and Cakewalk was all new to me. It was a bitter dissapointment that I couldnt copy/paste new clip in same track and just change the (second copied) clip (in step sequencer) the way I wanted to add some variations and make the song a bit more complex. So I start to do some digging (YT, Forums) and went to an idea, that i can duplicate the whole track, keep the same vst on and just create a new sequence (clip), that later I moved back to a first track.
I don't feel comfortable to keep 27 tracks just for drums as variety is something that I'm constantly paying attention to, so yeah... figured it out.
Second duplicated track is in this case a workspace just to create new, richer clip as the song progress. That Track can be deleted as the clip is done.
I don't understand how it was possible to create such advanced (and free) software as Cakewalk is and in the same time not develop a sequencer, so user can
create new clips one after another by copy/paste and do some variations on the duplicate he just created.
The clips in the track are behaving like they're grouped and locked, so every change to it is automatically copied to others.
Or there is maybe something we all don't know?