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mark bostic

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Everything posted by mark bostic

  1. I am plugging my guitar into a Presonus 24c interface. I am using the same ML Lab ICON amp plug in on all the tracks. 44100 sample rate set at 512 with an ASIO driver that comes with the Presonus. Here is a screen of the base track loaded and the 2nd track I am trying to add. I'm wondering if the icon amp is engaging on both tracks at the same time and that's where the noise is coming from. I tried sound on sound. I'm sorry for the pictures, I run a double display and haven't figured out how to get the second display out of a screenshot. I hope I'm being clear, sorry if I'm not. Thank you.
  2. I have recorded a base guitar rhythm track and saved it to my desktop. I want to import it into Cakewalk and play another rhythm and a solo over it. I can get the base track into Cakewalk but when I try to record the other tracks over it while it's playing the playing I am doing live is either not recording or there is so much noise it's a mess. The base track and the tracks I want to lay over it all have a distorted amp plug in on them. I have literally watched over 40 videos to try and track down what I am doing wrong but have had no luck. Please advise if you have anything that might work, thank you so much.
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