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Francois Greeff

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  1. Yes I do it very successful but Quite a bit of preparation. You need 1 - LoopMidi (Tobias Erichsen - freeware-donation)- There I define the virtual midi ports with the same a name similar to the VST. Both in and out eg. Yamaha S-YXG 50 2 - vsthostx64 - (H. Seib - freeware-donation ) - The you add the Virtual Midi Port an link the VST. This must always run before Sonar 3 - Create instrument definition file. 4. - In Sonar = Preferences- Midi- Devices Add the Vitual Port = Preferences- Midi-Instruments -Define-Import- instrument definition file and then link to port 5 - Vst in now running like a hardware synth = don't add as vst synth in Sonar I started doing this for vst synths that struggled with patch select options but do it for most I use regularly.
  2. Yes I myself was quite disgusted to see how quickly the life expectance of SSD decrease when you use their diagnostic tools. Not good to set your download folder and temp files on the system drive. Rather use alternative drive for these. Solid state not quite that Solid if it only allows you a certain amount of writes.
  3. Calbuilder.exe updated to v1.60 minor changes like taskbar Icons when going to sub menus I am Busy with some more tutorials and hope to share it soon. Enjoy and stay well.
  4. I created 2 tutorials 1 - To demonstrate " Break bars into rhythm patterns" & "Chord Builder" 2 - To apply Cals " Break bars into rhythm patterns" & "Chord Builder" as per Tutorial 1 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19OdUwwbZ672tQRCnEVjCNWBZjtzW2Cob?usp=sharing
  5. Thanks Glenn. That's what I thought as well. Here is my Google Drive link that I have made shareable. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HHtJbf0k7EllXDXNPni8aAx9FPk44DT9?usp=sharing Guys you are welcome to use and share. Please send me some feedback Regards Francois Greeff
  6. My name is Francois Greeff. I developed software in 2003 that I have just updated with new features. I would like to share it with fellow users. It is completely free, no adds, no catches. I developed it for myself to assist in creating certain CAL scripts to make my life easier. Is there a section we can create where I can share this/upload it? Just some of the functions very basically described. 1 - Change Output Folder 2 - Break bars into rhythm patterns 2/2, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, (Normal and triplet with key offset and velocity offset) a - Build Split Bar Cal b - Build Bar to Rhythm Cal 3 - Chord Builder a - List boxes b - Add Custom Chord - c - Chord Preview d - Strum Value e - % Vel Value f - File Name Suffix g - Reduce note length by strum value h - Build Cal Files (Down Strum) i - Build Cal Files (Up Strum) j - Refresh List with Chord definition file - (currently 60 Chords) k - Save List to Chord definition file - (currently 60 Chords) l - 0 strum value 4 - Note Bender a - Up Curve and Down Curve b - Bend Range c - Attack, Sustain & Decay d - File Name Suffix e - Build Bend CAL 5 - Note Slider a - Direction b - Progress c - Duration d - Amount e - File Name Suffix f - Build Bend CAL Best regards Francois Greeff
  7. CAL is not real time. Cakewalk can handle many VST's simultaneously and even more that one instance of a VSTi. The best is rathe split/copy that channel and assign each one to it's own VST. You van also set any parameter of a VST in Realtime by adding controllers
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