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Luciano Al

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Everything posted by Luciano Al

  1. Why does a space appear before the clip when freezing a track? it can be seen by making a strong zoom. If I copy the audio to another track and do the null test the two clips don't null.
  2. Thank Noel, this solved my issue with IK Multimedia T-Racks5 v 5.5. plugins while exporting audio.
  3. @Noel Borthwick Yes,i confirm you that the export process completes. The audio file exported is in my folder, but I have to force restart cakewalk.
  4. When exporting audio Cakewalk stuck while flushing plug-in. I deactivated the plugins one by one and found that th issue is IK Multimedia T-Racks 5.
  5. I confirm issue with IK Modo Bass with update 2019.03.15. Reinstalled 2019.01.27 freezing Modo Bass working fine
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