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16 Good
  1. I really like Fuse Audio products, esp the comps like the VCL-373, fat & warm.
  2. Or implement an Ignore List feature to stop the condescending remarks &/or uninteresting posts by the same people that do it over & over.
  3. hsmx


    I think he might referring to your distinctive vocal style. It's more of a static, non-melodic one.
  4. On a related note- Kevin Breuner exits CD Baby after 17 years to join Bandlab
  5. Pity, I made some $$$ over the years starting when Derek Sivers created it. I wonder what they'll call themselves now? "Today, we’re announcing that CD Baby will stop distributing physical products on June 22, 2023. Digital distribution to places like Spotify, Amazon Music and Apple Music will continue, as will our support for artists at any stage of their journey. We will even have some exciting new features and offers to help you manage your music career coming soon that we can’t wait to share with you."
  6. I would disagree. One example is the Chord Track feature in Cubase. I've written many tunes or developed ideas using that alone. Any daw can inspire or aid in the creative process of composition. Recording can happen anywhere during it. It could be at the the end of the project & after the song is written using the daw.
  7. hsmx

    f/ demo

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed it.
  8. hsmx

    f/ demo

    Can't recall exactly, It's the N4 factory stuff, Scarbee ep, prob sess hrns..
  9. hsmx

    f/ demo

    thanks mcmd, appreciate it, hi jack, thanks...IIRC Kontakt libs on those.
  10. hsmx

    f/ demo

    demo / plugin testing
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