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Dagg M.

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  1. I have used PT 2022 version on the Intel I7 4770 3.4GHz and 16GB of RAM. After creating cca 6-8 tracks with virtual instruments and some EQ/Dyn plugins it started to choke and was practically unusable so I finally abandoned it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate PT but on my system it doesn't work well. Then out of curiosity I have installed new Cakewalk by Bandlab and was almost shockingly pleasantly surprised. On the same PC system I have managed to run 24 channels each fully loaded with virtual instrument, pro EQ Dynamic and a hi quality reverb plugins. It used around 65% of my processing power, without glitches and pops. I have maxed it out at cca 28 channels. That was really a big surprise for me since on PT I have been able to use significantly less loaded channels, and even those with pops cracks and glitches. The surprise was so big that I have started thinking of using Cakewalk permanently which I have never planned to be honest. My main concern is audio engine quality compared to the one inside PT. I would love to hear some opinions about it. And there is one thing that bothers me in Cakewalk, not large enough faders for smooth moving with the mouse, like PT has. Another thing that slightly bothers me is a 'christmas tree' busy look of the DAW that doesn't look very professional, where PT does look way better (in my subjective opinion). On the other side one thing that I really love in Cakewalk is the possibility to use DAW simultaneously with the other audio sources on the PC (WASAPI shared driver mode), like YouTube so I can compare things that I am working on with the reference music immediately. That is not possible with PT. Thanks and have a nice day!
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