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  1. That was unfortunate. I re-registrated via the "I'm online" button, and the plugin worked again after that. And yes, it was after the first EA release (055) the errors began to show up on projects with certain PA plugins (not all!). The Plugin Alliance installations was already updated to the aug 15, 2023 versions a week earlier, so it probably was the Cakewalk EA that caused the errors!? As of now this is only a minor and easily correctable annoyance, and no big deal, and hopefully it will stay that way...
  2. No, not rescanning in Cakewalk! I mean press the "key button" in the right lower corner of the plugin and re-activate the license of the plugin. This behaviour seems to have started with build 55, BUT I have also made some updates via the PA Plugin Manager prior to this, so that could be the cause!?? However, I got the same error message as you so it may be the same problem, and in my case that went away after I re-activated the plugin. Strangely enough not all PA plugins needed re-activation...
  3. I had to re-register some of (not all) Plugin Alliances plugins (VST3). No need to uninstall/reinstall or safe-load projects!
  4. No, it's only Cakewalk, not the whole system! I am still running Windows as "administrator" (and not merely "user"). I had Cakewalk , on top of this, marked to be run with elevated privileges via the option in the Properties/Compatibility tab (on the Cakewalk icon). I am still logged on as administrator on my computer. And after installing the IR library nothing keeps you (or me) from reverting to "run (Cakewalk) as administrator" again. REmatrix works all the same, except from the next time I install a new library I have to momentarily disable the "run as..." again!
  5. YES! It was the administrator setting. After disabling this, the "run this program as an administrator" in the Properties/Compatibility tab, I could drop the rematrix-file onto the plugin window with success! Strange how certain programs has to be run as an admin, and some programs can't be run correctly with the same setting!? Thank you antler!
  6. I can't "install" this either. The only file that gets downloaded is the Blackstar+Studio.rematrix (from my account). No ".rir"-file. Perhaps this is generated after the "install"? But since I get the same "forbidden-sign" as John Maar when I try to drag the file onto REmatrix, no rir-file is generated. I have tried to set a user IR folder, but nothing got better. I tried to put the .rematrix-file there, but it didn't help. I have the full REmatrix 1.2.9 with several other libraries (RExp, GoldenGlue and JPverbs), but either something has happened or I don't remember (most likely) how to do. There is no clear instructions for how to do this in the manual or elsewhere. But just "drag" for sure won't work!
  7. Hi Will_Kaydo! Citing the documentation link above, it says: "To globally bypass plug-in upsampling To globally enable/disable plug-in upsampling for plug-ins that already have upsampling enabled, click the Enable/Bypass Plug-In Upsampling button "2x" in the Control Bar’s Mix module. Upsampling is enabled when the button is lit." To my understanding you have to both enable the "Upsample on Playback" in the drop down menu for the particular plugin, AND enable the "2x" button. Perhaps this is as a security measure for the plugins that don't work with upsampling at all, which you then can exclude from an otherwise fully "oversampling regimen" My problem now, and I hope others can prove me wrong or show me what I am doing wrong, is that ONLY sidechaining evoke the "mal-sampling" problem. I have tested plugins from many (many!) developers that handles every type of upsampling. Even if I use both Cakewalks own upsampling simultaneously with the plugin's internal upsampling. No problem, no hiccups, no strange sound... until... Until I direct a sidechain to the plugin. Then, and only then, I have to disable "Upsample on Playback" for that particular plugin. However, if it works the way you (Will_Kaydo) interpret this, the better! ? But reading the documentation forward and backward I am doubtful, but I still hope I am wrong... And if it is the sidechaining "mechanism" that provoke the problems, it is up to Noel and his fiery friends to do some coding! ?
  8. Well, that's one solution, but then we effectively give up on oversampling altogether!? Which could be fine, really! But I belive consensus is that with the able hardware of today (and when hardly all plugins are aliasing free...) it is a good habit to use oversampling consistently. And yes, I know it often could be a miniscule difference, if any at all... ? According to: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.25.html , disabling the "2x" button effectively disable all Cakewalk oversampling globally (with exception to certain developer's own resampling inside their plugins) Without enabling oversampling in the "FX box" on the window border for each plugin, the "2x" button does nothing! (That is if I have understood the description, in the link above, correct...) I am nearly there. I can use oversampling on all my plugins. The lot! This is good for Cakewalk as a professional tool! It is therefore a pity that only one case prevent a 100% usage, and that is if I send a sidechain signal to a plugin. Then I unfortunately have to disable oversampling on that very plugin. ? It really seems that the Bakers somehow did forget to assign the correct sample rate to sidechain signals. If so, it would hopefully be a minor correction to the code to exterminate that bug, since everything else works!?
  9. Thank you, bitflipper, for a realistic and insightful answer! Generally speaking I am with you! ? You don't "need" to upsample everything, for the sake of... well, upsampling! However, a while ago I read up on how Cakewalk handled this and decided to try to consistently use oversampling everywhere, instead of enabling this only on some plugins. I have heard enough evidence for that it generally give a little better sound and behavour (as you describe), especially with compressors, eq's and other "frequency altering" effects. If I remember it correct, it was only a couple of year since Cakewalk got the fuss-free handling of different sampling frequencies. It was more troublesome in the past where I had to resample certain sound files to "fit" the chosen sample rate. However, as of now every plugin is unusable if I use upsampling and sidechain in the same plugin. I agree that Trillian, or Modo Bass (wich use the most since I don't own Trillian...) don't really need upsampling. But it is not the instruments that is the pervading problem, it is precisely the compressors and the (dynamic)EQ that are keeping me from oversampling (when sidechaining). I can enable oversampling on all my plugins (and software instruments) OR I can enable the sidechain to the same plugin, but I can NOT enable both upsampling and sidechain in the same plugin in ANY of my plugins. Never ever... (regardless of if the plugin has its "own" upsampling or not) This have given me problem when I insert an effect (wich I let Cakewalk upsample with better sound as result). I work along, and some days/weeks later i get an idea to unmask something via a sidechain, and suddenly the sound sputters or Cakewalk throw a fit and dies. Oops... Of course now I know that it is "only" a matter of disabling the oversampling on that particular plugin and work along, but in some cases I have to "redial" the sound because of altered behavior of the plugin at the new frequency. From my view Cakewalk by Bandlab has a 95% transparent and unproblematic handling of the sample rates instead of 100%. I have had many years of virtually no problem with this DAW, but this time these specific 5% is hitting at least my face... ? It would be interesting to know if anyone successfully have used sidechaining and oversampling simultaneously (in the same plugin)?
  10. Thank you for your help! ? No, for me it's like this (Using your examples). (The Upsampling i talk about is Cakewalks built in, ie the little icon in the upper left corner, both on instruments and on other plugins, where "Upsample on Playback" should be enabled); Zebra 2 (upsampled) goes to master, and also sends an sidechain to FabFilter (upsampled) which uses the sidechain to modulate compression of a bass guitar on Trillian (upsampled) which also goes to master bus. As long as the effect (Pro-C2) also uses Cakewalk upsampling, as described above, AND the 2x button is enabled, the bass from Trillian plays at half(?) the speed with sputtering and hickups. If I disable the Upsampling only on the effect (Pro-C2), she sound revert to normal. If I instead remove the sidechain I can then without problem enable upsampling again on the Pro-C2. So, I can use upsampling on all modules, OR I can use sidechain, but then I have to disable upsampling on (only) those specific effects. Or disable upsampling globally by disable the "2x" button. This is perhaps "snobbery", because the sound at the base frequency (44k or 48k) often is enough for the sound quality. But it still annoys me because in my eyes this is a bug which hamper my ability to use oversampling in a consistent way.
  11. I have tried Cakewalk LP MB and PC4K, Brainworks Focusrite SC, Melda MDynamicEQ among many diverse plugins. Every plugin with sidechain possibility without problem handle the "2x" enable plug-in upsampling button globally IF and only IF "Upsample On Playback" is UN-checked (Off) on the plugin. Normally everything is upsampled all the time without fuss, but the moment I enable upsampling WITH sidechain the sound is garbeled and sped down. Cakewalk might crash, and if it do not it anyway become unworkable. Cakewalk by Bandlab have become an incredible reliable software, and is a joy to use! However, the described inability to handle upsampling when sidechaining is the greatest obstacle presently (for me). I don't know when this behaviour began, or if this even is an old bug. It may have surfaced after some of the recent updates (2021.9 or 2021.11), but I am unsure!? Anyone else who have to disable upsampling when sidechaining? I can reproduce this easy. Start a new project, make an audio or a midi track (with music...). Insert an audio FX plugin with sidechain possibilities. Insert a send from another track to the plugin. Enable "2x" plus have all plugins to upsample on playback. Press play and the music sputters and crawls. 100% repeatable... If I instead render an exported sound file, the exact same thing happen and the rendered file is garbeled and unusable. My computer is fairly modern. 24 core Ryzen, 32 GB memory. Sound card is a Quad-Capture, and I usually work at 48 kHz 24 bit. Am I the only one with this bug. I have, of course, tried juggling with several preferencies (including ASIO buffer), but to no avail... What say the Bakers?
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