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Shane Taylor

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Everything posted by Shane Taylor

  1. I ran into same problem working with Reaper, and later discovered that it was my Bluetooth headset I was using introducing the lag... duh. Just in case... ?
  2. Thanks Scook. I saw that, and it is checked in Prefs, but still no markers. I just tested the file again, importing it into Reaper, and the Cue Markers are there (the files were created in Audition, and are 32bit float PCM files.. I do not see any markers on the Clip nor or there any listed in the Markers dropdown in the Control Bar. Is there somewhere else I need to enable them or make them shown?
  3. Hi, new to Cakewalk. Have begun exploring and trying things out to see what's possible. I wanted to know (couldn't find it anywhere) if Cakewalk can import Marker information stored in WAV files and create Markers in the project from them. I do this in Reaper and Audition, and tried Drag/Drop and Import dialog, but neither bring in the markers that I know are there. I'm really hoping CW has that capability, which would be really helpful for post-production collaboration - actually, a necessity. Does anybody know? Did I miss it somewhere? Thanks.
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