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Everything posted by Shane Taylor
What I'm suggesting doesn't change anyone's desire/need for Aux tracks. I'm merely suggesting an improvement to an existing feature that would add functionality, not take any away (of course, depending on how it is implemented). I'm not sure what you are saying about "using those folders as a source for your stems" since AFAIK, folders aren't routable as a track (which is exactly one of thethings I'd like to see changed). What I'm suggesting doesn't change the grouping behavior at all. With this change they can also be used to route the sum of the contained tracks anywhere you want, even if the individual tracks are also Sent somewhere else (as in your example). Hope that makes sense.
I'd love to see Folder Tracks evolve into a normal track with all the same controls, including a volume fader, output selections, sends, FXs, etc. Basically, make a folder track a normal track that acts like a buss in that its volume fader controls the output of the sum of the folder's tracks, and to which you can apply FX, use Sends, etc. Why have a folder track that is really nothing more than a container that allows you to condense space? It would replace having to have a separate buss for each folder and then manually route all of the individual tracks to that buss. All tracks in a folder would automatically (by default, but which could be changed) route to the FOLDER track, which would then be routed to a submix buss, or Master. The Mute, Solor, Record buttons already do this kind of "group" function, but Cakewalk stopped short and made Folder Tracks less useful than they could be. Reaper uses this approach and it is very handy. Could this be considered for the Sonar release?
How to default Lock to SMPTE time while adding Markers
Shane Taylor replied to Sonarman's question in Q&A
I'm working to re-score a short film I did using Adobe Audition in Cakewalk (in parallel with Rearper and Cubase to see which is most effective and easiest to use). I ran across this too, but something else as well. The TC in the Markers list start to vary after some time in relation to the actual TC shown in the Now Time box as well as the entry box in the marker itself. The Now Time TC matches what's in the entry box when you open/edit the Marker, but what shows in the actual Markers list is different, increasingly being slow by a frame or two as time progresses. Anybody else experiencing this, and/or know what might be the cause. Perhaps 24 fps vs 23.976 fps? See below for an example. The markers list show 01:01:29:04 but when you open it, the Time box shows the CORRECT value of 01:01:29:05. This is only a frame, but it gets worse at time goes on. I ran into the Lock checkbox issue as well. I was copying and pasting from Reaper, which actually IMPORTED all the markers correctly from the WAV file that was exported from Audition. Cakewalk did not (nor did Cubase), so I have to enter them manually. That's what I was doing here. However, I had to check the LOCK checkbox in order to see a TC (versus M:B:T) in the entry box in order to paste in the TC from Reaper. Since it appears BandLab is not looking at expanding Cakewalk (Sonar) as a paid product, I'm hoping that they can add two features to markers that I could have used: (1) Import markers from WAV files (this is huge when working with others in Post Production). (2) Allow the creation of Region Markers that have a Start and End time so you can mark REGIONS. I had these in Audition, and in the WAV file I imported, which Reaper also imported correctly. ? So, BandLab, if you are listening... I discovered Cakewalk only a few months ago and am absolutely loving the UI/UX. I hope you spend the necessary resources to bring Cakewalk (Sonar) back up to a leading position among DAWs very quickly, like updaing the look, number, and capabilities of the built-in effects (they look a little "70s", and not in a good way). I know that I'll be watching closely, and if so, will gladly purchase a PERPETUAL license (but if you go SUBSCRIPTION only, I'm gone - that's why I no longer use Audition). Don't make the same mistake AVID and Waves Audio made betting you future on subscriptions alone.- 8 replies
- adding markers
- markers for video
(and 1 more)
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Awesome! Trickery indeed! Thanks for the tip. Maybe we can get a native solution soon. Until then...
Good advice. Thanks.
Eeeee... That's elegant (but effective, I guess...). That' good to know when I accidentally hit that little icon again by mistake. I wasn't at the time. I just hit the button my mistake and there I went, down this rabbit hole...
Could we have adjustable automation curves beyond just the Fast and Slow fade options please? An S-Curve option seems conspicuously absent here. Perhaps allowing bezier handles on points would be an even better and much more robust option. But if that is too much to tackle any time soon, then please AT LEAST give us an S-Curve function in both the automation lane in on the fades. If I've missed this capability as already existing, please let me know. I have looked, but have failed to find it (but I'm still rather new to Cakewalk - but DO like what I'm seeing!)
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I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying. But first, you are correct in that you can do clip automation on the track itself. I'm not sure why I didn't see that option previously when looking for it. Perhaps I had already expanded the automation lane looking for it there (for some reason). For the other issue, thought, if you have a track with a single audio clip on it, and press the GREY Take Lanes button to expand it, according to the manual pg 524 "Any existing clips are moved from the parent track to separate Take lanes", and this in fact happens. The audio clip previously on the track is MOVED to the first track lane when expanded. If you collapse the take lanes, the icon is now pale blue indicating that there is a take, unlike before expanding it. If you delete the take, the track is left completely empty. The original audio is gone. I cannot find any way to UNDO that action, even if a mistake, i.e., you will ALWAYS now have a track made up of a single take. Give it a try and see if you can reproduce.
New to Cakewalk and one thing I've been unable to figure out from the manual is how to undo accidentally Expanding Take Lanes. When you click this button, whatever audio clip(s) you had on the track get copied to a Take lane. As far as I can tell, you can't reverse that, even with Undo History. You can't COMP it to get it back, because NOW you have a permanent COMP track too. This also appears to be the only way to do clip automation, i.e., in Take Lanes (which is how I got into this situation in the first place!). Any advice would be appreciated. SURELY you can undo such a move (or mistake). Thanks!
Playback pause on FX enable/disable
Shane Taylor replied to Shane Taylor's topic in Instruments & Effects
The max on my MOTU is 1024 samples, which is where it is currently. Hmm... that makes sense, if that's what it is doing. I guess Cakewalk does this differently than Reaper, for example, because any interruption there only happens with the most intense plugs, like a high quality algo reverb added to an already long chain. Most times, even with 5-6 EQs, Comps, or even Consoles, I can bypass the FX chain without interruption. Anyway, it is just something to get accustomed to, and use a different approach (e.g., duplicate tracks) to do A/B. A bit of a pain, especially if it is most of the time. Thank you both for your help. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Cheers. -
I'm new to Cakewalk, and have noticed a lot of times when moving around Cakewalk, doing various things, that Ca kewalk pauses playback for a split second, or interrupts it, rather. This seems to happen more in Cakewalk than in other DAWs I'm accustomed to, like Reaper, Audition, Resolve's Fairlight. In particular, I've noticed that enabling an FX chain on a track often interrupts playback, which makes easy A/B comparisons difficult. Even single plugins often causes this. It doesn't have to be a long chain. I can create two separate tracks and use exclusive solo to A/B, but I find that sometimes even a single FX on a track will have a dramatic effect on playback. I expect it (and it occurs in other DAWs as well), with FXs like Reverb, but compression and EQ, not so much. Interestingly, even things like changing preference unrelated to playback in the Preferences dialog interrupts playback for 1 second (even just closing it does this too). What is interesting is that if I bypass the plugin in its own panel (either the plugin's own bypass or the one supplied by Cakewalk), there is NO interruption. But bypassing the same plugin in the FX rack causes an interruption to playback. What's the difference? Am I missing a setting in Preferences that changes this behavior. I'm not recording, so I don't need low latency. Is there not a look-ahead function that can handle this sort of thing?
Ha Ha. Something to look forward too! It seems Cakewalk testers may not be challenging themselves enough. IDK, I tend to find obscure bugs of new SW I'm exploring right out of the gate. Being able to experience quite unexplainable behavior compared to documentation when a few values are non-default, versus default, when things work much as described, to me, at least (as an old SW engineer), points to a deficiency in testing. At least once you figure it out (or get help), you can sometimes work around it. Thanks for the heads-up.
I think I found the problem. The first time I opened the Mouse Wheel Zoom Options, X = 1.0 and Y=1.5 (I think). I played with those numbers a bit trying to get things to work. They've both been set to 1.0. I set them to 2.0 and things appear to work as expected and as described in the manual. If you set them to 1.0 or even 1.01, or something low, the zoom functionality starts acting weird. The simultaneous H/V zoom is weird, but I think I can live with it with that box checked. The settings shown in the attached image seem to be working. I was so pleased how intuitive CW was to me, until I started trying to zoom things. Yikes.
So, at first, I saw the same behavior. But also noticed that the uninstall did not remove the settings in the appdata folder, so I renamed the audi.ini file and let it recreate it, and now it seems to be working as follows (while over the clip pane) MOST OF THE TIME: * Alt+wheel scrolls horiz * wheel scrolls vert * Adding Shift to either makes it "fast" Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Wheel scroll zooms horizontally (although at times, it stops working, like it is hung, or missing mouse signal). I've verified that my wheel works perfectly in other apps, or Explorer windows, for example, so it isn't the mouse. It IS working much better than before, but there is still an issue somewhere. I may still log a ticket just to see if they can reproduce it anywhere. The same scroll behavior works for the Console as well, if there are scroll bars present (except zoom, of course). I'll keep playing with it. Thanks again. Shane
I will do that for sure. I uninstalled it completely, and am reinstalling it and will give it another go. If I still have the same issues, I will log a ticket. I also added a feature request for the Markers. Appreciate your assistance, and thanks for the links. Cheers, Shane
Yes, tried it with that both checked and unchecked. Still didn't work correctly.
No worries. A mystery. Maybe I'll do a reinstall. If that doesn't fix it, maybe I'll not waste any more time with it. Thanks for the help.
I'm talking about ZOOMING, not scrolling. My default install does the following: Shift+wheel - scrolls tracks up/down Ctrl+wheel - scrolls tracks right/left Alt+wheel - does nada, zip, nothing. Neither does any of the commands on the referenced pages related to zooming.
Agreed. I know how to do all of that, including using the keyboard, as explained on Pg. 492. But what I'm talking about in my post above is the mouse wheel zoom functions described on Pg. 493. None of that works as described. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I see what resembles the correct behavior for a second, but it is definitely NOT consistent nor correct. Does it work for you?
I would like to request that Cue Markers be imported while retaining the names and numbers stored in the BWF file itself, instead of renaming/renumbering them. I honestly can't think of a situation when I'd ever NOT want to use that information upon import. The current approach makes them useless for any post-production work. Just as important, I found that CW does not import Cue REGIONS like other DAWs. In fact, if a BWF has REGION markers defined, then CW won't even import the normal Cue Markers from the file. These Regions are cues that span between two markers, exactly like Loop and Punch regions, except permanent, and appear in the Markers list. In Adobe Audition, for example, Regions are treated just like cue markers, but with a start and end time, indicating a range. In Reaper, they are treated a little differently in that regions and cue markers have their own timeline lane, and Actions can be applied to them differently, whereas Audition combines them all into the timeline itself, with Regions indicated (as with Loops and Punch) by colors. Either method is sufficient. I would also like to be able to SAVE BWF files WITH these markers, names, etc. intact in standard format for use in other applications. This is especially important in post-production work where film scores may be generated in Cakewalk and exported for import by a mixing or rerecording engineer who must ensure everything aligns. Markers are invaluable, if not a necessity. Please make this a priority. I am currently evaluating Cakewalk in a film post-production environment for a remix of a 5.1 short film project with about 100 tracks and nearly 90 cue markers and regions for precise locations in the film. I am using a mix of existing stems and individual tracks where appropriate, with the intent to add an additional score to the film, produced in Cakewalk (I hope). This import issue has become a roadblock, as renaming markers on imported files (e.g., from archives or other contributors) is a significant hindrance to workflow now and in the future.
Thanks for pointing that out. I will definitely add one. I honestly can't think of a situation where you would not want to retain the stored names. EDIT: In case anyone else would like to chime in and comment on, or add to, this feature request, you can find it here:
Well, this is disappointing. I've found that if I delete the regions defined in Audition and export the files (48kHz 32b), the Markers are imported by CW. However, the hey are all renamed to the filename and renumbered, becoming practically useless. This is either a bug, or deficiency in CW, or the Regions aren't a standard BWF marker format (although Reaper reads them both fine, and preserves the names as well). Bummer. I was really getting excited about Cakewalk.
OK, so I created 4 copies of the same file, a 32, 24, and 16 bit 48kHz files, and a 16bit 44.1kHz file and even though all four load into Reaper fine with markers intact, none of them load in CW with makers. Also, the files have regions defined too (spans of time) that come into Reaper as well. I don't see where CW has the capability to create/use lasting regions (just temporary Loop and Punch spans).
Is there any way either of you could post/send me a small file with markers that I could try on my setup? I'll also create a 16 bit 44.1kHz file in Auditoin with Markers and see if that will import. Maybe it's the 32 bit, although Reaper reads them OK. Thanks for the help.
New to CW and am really struggling with getting around the Track Panel. I rely heavily no the mouse wheel (with/without modifiers) to move, scroll, and zoom H/V in other DAWs, but I just can't get CW to work for me. I've tried various combinations in the Track > Options > Mouse Wheel Zoom Options, and with a setting of At Cursor for Horiz and On Active Track for Vertical (in and out), I find that Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Wheel SOMETIMES changes the zoom horizontally, but not at all consistently (?). Similarly, Alt+Shift+Wheel SOMETIMES (but rarely) changes the zoom of the current track, but in sometimes small and sometimes very large increments. I have the Simultaneous H/V Zoom unchecked. Like right now, It just simply isn't working for me. I've not changed any keyboard bindings, themes, anything, using the Advanced Workspace. I'm on a 2-day-old fresh install, V 2022.11 (021), Win10Pro. Is anybody else having similar problems?