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Everything posted by Fulcrum

  1. BY God it's finally working - after many hours of hell! Thx so much for your help I think one of those last two files did the trick along with redownloading the plug-ins & dll files!
  2. Wouldn't appear in device list or in that file?
  3. When I add Mackie it shows in ctrl surf it shows up in in parenthesis (Mackie Control - 1), I read that it might be a .dll file (Regsvr32 ACTController.dll) that didn't register properly, but I can't get it to register manually going thru run command. So it may be something in my windows 10 blocking it...
  4. Thx again for trying to help, I really appreciate it ?
  5. They do not disappear from the main midi device list, using windows 10 with fairly new computer. Downloaded CCBBL a few months ago, seems to be working fine but do you think I may have missed downloading some drivers? I may just have too many midi devices activated or something not set up correctly in MCU.. Thx for your help...
  6. I do have the Mackie USB plugged directly into the computer and other stuff thru the hub, I guess I'm not certain if something else is using those ports or not. When using the USB method I was selecting the MCU USB ports. I'll keep trying just not sure why when I go through the steps you've listed that it won't save the ports I've selected when I apply.
  7. I go thru all of that but in the pref menu it won't retain my input / output port settings, the Mackie shows up but the ports are blank and when I look under utilities it doesn't show up..... ?
  8. So I just got a new MCU Pro and am having issues getting it set up. I have tried both the USB and running thru my midi interface methods. Cakewalk sees the MCU in devices but when I add Mackie as the control surface and select my input and output ports and select apply the Mackie still shows up but it deletes both input & output ports ( both blank out) and ACT in toolbar still shows as no control surface set up. MCU is set up as Mackie and I've tried to ensure I've followed all instructions in manual to set up with Sonar. Since I have several midi devices and some are USB thru a powered hub and also 3 Keyborads thru a midi interface, could that be confusing Cakewalk? Any ideas or guidance on how I should set up would be greatly appreciated ! Since it's advertised as plug n' play I thought it would be simple (but not for me, getting very frustrated!) Basically I can't get CWBBL to retain the midi in and out ports I select when trying to add the Mackie control surface. Thanks in advance for any input...
  9. One more question do you or anyone else have any feedback on the Avid Artist Mix? Looks to be designed specifically to work with Pro Tools but is Mackie MCU , and if you were just purchasing your 1st controller would you go with the MCU Pro or one of the others.
  10. Thanks a bunch I really appreciate your input. Wish I could afford your set up but in researching I really like the MCU Pro and I suppose could add the other stuff eventually ? Thanks again!
  11. Trying to find out which control surface would integrate best with the Cakewalk by BL daw? Is MCU Pro outdated old technology? Trying to keep cost to $1500 or less and again something known to work well and easily with cakewalk. Any advice is appreciated! Thx, MP
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