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Bobby Thistle

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Everything posted by Bobby Thistle

  1. Thanks for your explanations. I guess I should have included the info about what synths I'm using. SampleTank 4 and Addictive Drums 2. I'm guessing that these are "sample" instruments that will use up a lot of cpu and memory resources ?
  2. Greetings... After a long time away from doing anything related to music, I've managed to find some time to get back into it. That being said, I'm still a newb at using vst instruments in my projects. I've been looking around for some in depth info about freezing tracks to cut back on cpu usage. So far I've been using soft synths only and they're all MIDI tracks. Looking around in the reference guide I find that it seems to only be talking about audio tracks. Is there any significant benefit from freezing vst MIDI tracks as well? Does a vst soft synth instrument use a lot of cpu, even if there's no effects to it? Much appreciated.
  3. Fantastic job!!! You had me tapping my foot while having my first coffee of the morning. Thanks for posting.
  4. Thanks!!! I'll do the same for you if I find anything. ?
  5. I was supposed to pay $99 for mine - complete with the drums. But they had a promo code and it dropped the price down to $60. Like you, I will keep trying when I have a bit of time to play with it... try to find some videos that go beyond what Kenny shows. /Bobby
  6. I was under the impression that you could compose any beat you want with it. So far, after looking a dozens of videos about it, I've come to the conclusion that this can't be done - but I'm hoping that I'm wrong. I think it may be great if all you're looking for is to make (what I call) dance music. Oh well... $60 down the drain. I'll be sure to do a lot more investigating before I buy something else on impulse. /Bobby
  7. I bought Captain Plugins last week after watching a video by Kenny Gioia showing how to use it. Granted, he was working in Reaper but it should work the same way in Cakewalk. I have managed to make a loop by using his techniques but he didn't go into great detail. He just gave a simple explanation about how to make a simple loop. And also, I haven't been able to figure out how to edit a preset to make my own beats... to change the drum pattern into a different beat than what the presets give me. For example, change a 4/4 into a 3/4 time signature. I also haven't been able to figure is how to insert one of my own samples to replace the default instrument . /Bobby
  8. Thank you for your insight... very much appreciated. Actually, my two most important plugins (instruments), are already installed where I want them. So I wouldn't be touching them if I were to do a major cleanup. Or maybe I should say a clear up. In total I have approximately 230 plugins spread out on three drives. I don't use 90% of them and probably never will. They were all free - except for ST4 and AD2. I'm wondering if anybody else is guilty of collecting everything they see back when they were newbs, only because they were free? So I guess what I should be doing is deleting most if not all of these plugins which I know will still be there, unused, after I'm gone? /Bobby
  9. Glad to see this topic... I'm a total newb when it comes to plugins/FX I have some all over my drives. I want to put them all in one folder with sub folders. My mainly used "instruments" are SampleTank 4 and Additive Drums 2. They are on the Cakewalk system drive and Cakewalk has no trouble finding them. My question is: Using Window's file explorer, can I just move all the rest of my plugins on to one drive and then have Cakewalk scan to find them in their new position? /Bobby
  10. This is so helpful... it will sure help out with some frustration from trying to use 2 or more MIDI tracks with only one audio track. Thanks so much!!! /Oscar
  11. Greetings all... When I set up 2 or more MIDI tracks with my hard synth (Ketron SD2) should I also create 2 audio tracks - one for each MIDI track? Or does 1 audio track used for both - or more - MIDI tracks? Much appreciated /Oscar
  12. I wish shutting down and restarting Cakewalk would get rid of the problem. The problem also exists when starting a new project so whatever it is isn't limited to one project's setup. Seems to be a universal setting somewhere. Or mebbe a bug? /Oscar
  13. I've still not found the solution. I've even gone so far as to completely remove Cakewalk and then do a complete, "fresh" install. Same problem. I'm at a loss for what to try next. This is the first time that I've seen this problem in all the years that I've been using Cakewalk. /Oscar
  14. I've found that the tracks will solo without any problems... IF it's an audio track. It still won't work on MIDI tracks. But I can live with it. I've also discovered that I can't record a Sample Tank track to make an audio track. I'm still scratching my head on that one. Again, I'll just find a way to work around it. At least some progress has been made. /Oscar I've come up with what I think is a "unique" problem... My track solo buttons have stopped working. When I click on one it mutes out all other tracks and nothing is heard. The mute buttons are working fine. Has anyone else ever come across this problem? If so, is there a remedy? Thanks, /Oscar
  15. Thanks, HIBI... I'm gonna give it a try. /Oscar
  16. Is there a way to completely uninstall Cakewalk? In a way where it won't automatically reload my old settings upon reinstall? Thanks in advance, /Oscar
  17. Well after going up and down the list of keyboard shortcut keys for like, 10 times, I resorted to opening up a new project and started pressing any number of keys to see what reaction they would give me. I finally hit on the one that I wanted! To go up and down the numerical scale in the "Key" box at the bottom of a MIDI strip, make sure the "Key" box is selected then press: Ctrl + Alt + Plus or Minus key. /Oscar
  18. I've had my Roland JV-1010 for years. I was lucky... at the tiime I bought it the 1080 had just hit the market. The music shop I deal with had one 1010 in the showcase left and it was covered in dust. The sales guy just wanted to get rid of it so he gave it to me for $150, a real steal. I managed to get the expansion card on line a few years ago... giving it thousands of sounds. most of which I'll never use but they're there. /Oscar
  19. I am not what you'd call a keyboard player - except for middle C. Therefore I use the numerical "Key" at the bottom of a MIDI strip which lets me play any other key in middle C. What I can't find is a keyboard shortcut for this box. Trying to do it with a mouse is next to impossible, or at the very least, very frustrating. I've been looking everywhere for this shortcut but can't find it. Does a keyboard shortcut even exist for this? As always, much appreciated! /Oscar
  20. John... I can't thank you enough. Thanks to your in depth and very easy to follow instructions I'm up and running!!! The way you explained it was so simple, it was like taking me by the hand to show me how it's done. I'm somewhat technology challenged. I don't get a very good grasp of things that are explained in technical terms. It has been a very long time since I've done anything with my music gear so there was a lot of things that I forgot. Obviously, how to set it up was right at the top of the list of "things that I forgot." I do have and use VSTs - Sample Tank 4 and Addictive Drums 2. But the Ketron still has a lot of great sounds so I like to use it for a track once in a while. I have another vintage MIDI sound module, a Roland JV-1010. Again, some great sounds come out of that little old box. My plan is to have both modules hooked up with my M-Audio Midisport 2x2. When I'm ready and if you don't mind, I'm going to pick your brain when I start on that project. Again... I'm so very much obliged for all your help!!! /Oscar
  21. Thanks all for the suggestions. That being said, they haven't solved my problem. I've been in touch with the techs at Focusrite and will be talking live with one tomorrow (Monday) I'm hoping that he will be able to help me out. I'll keep the group updated. /Oscar
  22. So sorry... I guess I didn't look close enough before posting... The answer was hiding in plain sight. Hi all I want to access the forum on my second device. It seems I can't find where to see or to change my password. I have to go there because I've been automatically signed in in like forever and don't remember the password. I guess you could blame it on this 60+ brain of mine. ☹️ Anyone? Much appreciated ? /Oscar
  23. Hi all... I know this post is kind of long but I figured I would give as much detail as possible in hopes that someone can get me to stop pulling my hair out. I’ve been trying everything possible to get this working but I keep hitting a wall. My gear: Roland PC-200 mk II MIDI Keyboard controller Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 Ketron SD-2 orchestral wizard Computer: Windows 10 Intel core i7 3770 CPU@3.40GHz Installed memory (RAM) 16gb System Type: 64 bit operating system, x64 – based processor Software (DAW) Used: Cakewalk by Bandlab Reaper 6 Synths: Sample Tank 4 Addictive Drums 2 What I’m trying to do is to use my Ketron in Cakewalk What’s happening is that I don’t get any output sounds. The way I have it hooked up: Keyboard “out” to Scarlett “in” Scarlett “out” to Ketron “in” (This, and “Thru”) are the only 5 pin MIDI connections on the Ketron.) In Cakewalk Preferences “input and output” device, Focusrite is selected. In fact, for output it’s the only choice I can make. On a new track I set the input to “Focusrite USB Omni” Output “Focusrite USB MIDI” I select the Ketron, a bank and a patch. Everything works; The blue light on the Ketron blinks when I press a key on the controller. The VU meters for the track are moving when I press a key on the controller. I can record midi on the track. The only thing is, there is no sound. Even though Cakewalk sees the MIDI signal and can even record the signal, there is no output sound. I’m getting similar results in Reaper. SampleTank 4 and Addictive Drums 2 are working fine. Is there some system setting outside of Cakewalk that has to be changed? I’ve checked to see if the Focusrite is being used as the default in and out in Windows setup. It is. I’ve made sure the volume is up in my headphones. I’ve tried to see if the sound comes out of my monitor speakers. It doesn’t. I’m at a total loss as what to do next. Any suggestions would be so much appreciated. /Bobby
  24. Hi all... it's been quite a while since I have been making music so I figured I'd play around with it today. I updated CbB and it is running great. I also updated my SampleTank 4 plugin and it's working great. So everything is pretty rosy... except; I have a Ketron SD2 MIDI module that I love. I've got it set up properly as an "instrument" in my MIDI setup. Everything shows up. When I try to use it, everything is working... except sound. I can't hear anything. The meters show that the signal is getting in and when I record it does that flawlessly as well. But I just can't hear it. Is there some setting or button I'm missing? I'm pretty sure it is something so simple that I'll whack myself in the head when I find it. I'm using a Scarlett 6i6 audio interface. Thanks in advance!!!
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