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  1. A tip from me :) Bought Beat Magazine #215 - December 2023 https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/11573-Beat-Magazine-215-December-2023 with Chorus legend Roland Dimension D (really looks difference) so I could take Steinberg Backbone for free. Good deal imo. ChipSynth Backbone Roland Gem Mod 3.wav
  2. https://www.pluginguru.com/products/unify-standard/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uayUl-ha3I
  3. -50% discount. https://plogue.onfastspring.com/chipsynth-c64 I am in love with TeensyROM, a new cartridge for RETRO Commodore 64. Found that chipsynth C64 VST from Plogue can ASID. How to connect using VST: Modern desktop computer with Your favorite DAW > amazing chipsynth C64 VST > TeensyROM cartridge > and Commodore 64 can be Your SYNTHESIZEER!!! Here is my a promo video of TeensyROM:
  4. Another crash... But this time my project isn't on the Cakewalk Start Screen list. I can't recover it with SHIFT + click sadly. Is there a possibility to find which plugin coze crash without deleting moving it from VST folder? I have found a *.dmp file in Cakewalk Core > Minidumps folder but can't be opened I think this file is only for DEV's. Q: Why there is no any message for the user?
  5. OKOK Sorry for spam The faster way is to after inserting Xpand!2 instrument changing MIDI channel from "NONE" to "1: X-Pand!2".
  6. Found a "semi" solution, thanks to this video: watch?v=OSQ2YoSDDaE "How to ROUTE MIDI in Cakewalk by Bandlab!!" In short: 1. change workspace to 2, 2. insert instrument Xpand!2, 3. insert MIDI track, 4. replace Output from "1-APC Key 25" to "2-Xpand!2 1", 5. replace MIDI channel from "NONE" to "1: X-Pand!2".
  7. Hi! Can anyone help me with my APC KEY25? When I use controller on Ableton Live Lite my Xpand!2 VST works like it should. Keys gives sound but when I use controller on Cakewalk with Xpand!2 VST the function buttons (matrix buttons) works as keys and the main 25 keys don't give any sound. If someone got this problem I will be glad to see a solution to use Xpand!2 on Cakewalk DAW. Thank you, Nati Edit, forgot to mention, that other instruments, like Hybrid works normal on Cakewalk.
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