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  1. Yes they did, but I missed the simple key binding "D"...
  2. There are probably more than a few ways to do this... If you have Piano Roll open in the Multi Dock you can double click on the "tab" and it will open Track View split screen with Piano Roll... You can re-size the size of either by dragging... You can use the key combination "Alt and 1" and it will open Track View... You can assign Track View to one of the "Screensets" and select Track View from the Screensets Module or the corresponding number on the keyboard (not the number pad...)... Probably many more ways to do what you want also...
  3. Preferences ->Project ->Record ->Recording Modes... You probably have this set to "Comping" which will mute your previous "takes"... Set it to Sound on Sound... This will allow "over dubbing" with the original material recorded...
  4. The FX Sends are ordered from top to bottom in the order of the buses in the bus strip view from left to right... Simply re-order your buses by dragging them into the order you want... In the Console View you can Alt-Click and drag them where you want them... In your screen shot you have your buses left to right... Bus Delay, Reverb bus 2, Bus Delay short... If you want them in the order of your second post change your bus order to Reverb bus 2, Bus Delay short, Bus Delay... You can re-arrange them in Console View or Track View...
  5. So. if I just set the controller to an arbitrary number, say 50 and save the type 1 MIDI file upon reloading there is no CC event... You are correct... If I record the movement of the "knob" as automation (which is what I was doing) Cakewalk will convert that to a MIDI CC upon saving the type 1 MIDI file... When you reload the file it is either a CC91 or CC93 depending on if it is reverb or chorus... But it does not assign it back to the "knob" unless you Convert Envelop... If I inserted the TTS as an Instrument Track and record automation as an instrument track it does not record it to the knob or as a CC with or without a MIDI channel selected... Upon reloading the MIDI file the TTS MIDI Channel will be muted, strange! If I insert the TTS as a split instrument with a dedicated MIDI Channel and record Automation on one of the knobs Cakewalk WILL record it and save it as a CC... When you reload the CC will be there... So this really sounds like a long standing Cakewalk bug that may or may not have been reported in the past... Much like the arbitrary re-assigning of MIDI device bug upon loading a project if the MIDI device is not connected... Added... The same was the case for the "Volume Fader" CC7... If I just set it to a number it is not converted to a CC7 upon saving, If I record Automation it is saved as a CC7 envelop in the standard MIDI file...
  6. Sorry, I missed that in your original post... Saving as MIDI Type 1 does "Print" the controllers from the "knobs" to the standard MIDI file... MIDI Type 0 does not... But upon reloading the file into Cakewalk, CbB does not automatically move the controllers back to the two knobs in the MIDI Strip... They do show up in the PRV and the Event List... If you right click on them in the PRV and Convert MIDI to Envelop it will move them back to the Knobs... Yes, I'm sure that all GM MIDI devices will all respond differently...
  7. MIDI CC 91 - Reverb amount... MIDI CC 93 - Chorus amount... The Cakewalk MIDI Strip, available in the "Inspector" has dedicated control knobs for both reverb and chorus at the top of the module... So adding them to your standard GM MIDI file would not be all that hard...
  8. Or you could use the "Sort by Type" feature and it will sort all your EQ's by EQ type... Or you could use the search feature in the Plug-in Browser...
  9. Use Save As -> Copy all audio with project... This will create an Audio folder inside of your project folder and all your audio tracks will be stored there and the project will reference to that folder and not the Global Audio Folder... Always use the one project per folder approach, every project in it own folder... You can copy the entire Project Folder anywhere you want and the Audio folder goes with it... Audio data will never get "Lost" it will always be with the project... You can open the project from your backup drive and the project will load with the audio from the project Audio folder on the backup drive... The Cakewalk Documentation Save As dialog page is wrong, the Audio folder is just Audio and not Audio Data... Try not to use Reference from and always copy any import files to the Audio folder... I have close to 1500 projects going back over 25 years and my Global Audio Folder is completely empty... All my Audio tracks are stored in the project folder Audio folder... Many of the older projects have been on 7 or 8 different hard drives and I can open them up on my latest PC and the Audio tracks are all there, no need to play "find and seek"......
  10. This ^^^... Also in the Kontakt, Settings -> Engine. there is check box for default volume for new instruments or volume reset, can be set at -6db or 0db, if -6db is checked (default) your instruments can revert to -6db regardless of what they were "saved" at... If I remember correctly what causes the instruments to revert to -6db is if it is set in Kontakt at -6bd and CbB or Sonar has the option Zero Controllers When Play Stops enabled... Edit -> Preferrences -> Project -> MIDI... I'm pretty sure that all the default templates have this option checked... I created my own project templates and unchecked that option on all of them... Another thing, the midi track velocity\volume control will set the volume in Kontakt... If you moved the "slider" and it is no longer set to default (101) or disable control it will change the volume of the instrument in Kontakt... I always disable the control and use the output audio of Kontakt for fine tuning volume or automation...
  11. If it is understood correctly you recorded your drum track at a tempo of 110 bpm over a project set to 120 bpm... You can use the Process > Fit Improvisation command to change the tempo, bpm of the project and grid, without changing the tempo of the recorded MIDI... The end result would be your same drum track at the correct speed in a project with the correct tempo of 110 bpm... It can be tricky to use the Fit Improv command... When I use it I usually copy just a small section, maybe three measures to a new track and high light that as the "Source Track"... The very first note of the "Source Track" must be at the very beginning of the project 1:01:000...
  12. Why? ... Select all tracks, Menu -> Project -> Insert Time\Measures... -> Slide... Select every thing listed... Will move the entire project by the desired amount...
  13. This is not true... Versions 2021.04 Update 1 [Updated 17-May-2021] thru 2022.11 Update 1 [Updated 1-Dec-2022] were all Self Activating on installation... You did not need to be online to activate... You can install an older version then install one of the self activating versions over top and reset your activation all offline... No need for the Cakewalk Activation Servers...
  14. Anewbus - God of funerary rites, protector of graves, guide to the underworld. and creator of the second "Master"... ?
  15. So I downloaded the 7 day trial of Inject and installed it... The Cakewalk plugin manager would not even register the plugin on my PC... Also tried it with Sonar to no avail... It did install properly because it registered and loaded in MixCraft... I even un-installed and reinstalled it running as admin... But it looks like you got some advice from Noel to pass on to AudioMovers... Anyway, best of luck with your setup...
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