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  1. Progress stops at 93-98% for every project I open and I end up with this error below. Is there a problem right now? --------------------------- Cakewalk --------------------------- Track mixdown files were requested from BandLab. Please retry downloading the project later. Open with missing track mixdowns anyway? --------------------------- Only the MIDI files and one or two random audio files will load. CW version
  2. Thanks for responding Noel. The fact that the manual says that the DAW can determine the storage location, the fact that there is no option to change the storage location when using Melodyne in Cakewalk (but there is in the standalone), and in fact Cakewalk creates a Melodyne folder led me to believe that Cakewalk can determine where to store the files. https://helpcenter.celemony.com/editor2/en/singletrack_tour_73.html "During work on a project or at the latest when it is complete, you should select the project folder of your DAW as the storage location for these transfer files. In this way, you can be sure that all the files Melodyne requires are stored along with the project and don’t get left behind when you pass the project on to someone else. Exceptions: some DAWs are capable of telling Melodyne where the project folder for the current project is to be found. In these DAWs there is no way of selecting a storage path manually; instead, Melodyne will always use the current project folder as a storage location, in this way ensuring that your transfer files remain part of the project and do not get lost. So please don’t be surprised if in your DAW there is no browse button for selecting the path; if that is the case, Melodyne will store the files for you automatically in the correct location. To find out with which DAWs this occurs, please consult our FAQ on the Internet." So are you saying that it's Melodyne that creates the folder in the project folder but then still stores it in the Documents folder anyways?
  3. I just assumed any Melodyne edits would be stored in the project "Melodyne" folder, but that folder is always empty. Instead they're stored in "...\Documents\Celemony\Separations" I'm on my second system install so I don't think it's just me unless I'm consistently installing things weird. Is there any plans to store them in the Melodyne folder? It's much slower and taking up a ton of GB on my system drive now.
  4. YES!! Happens to me all the time! You have to go back into Cakewalk track view- and IF YOU'RE LUCKY and haven't done anything else with the edit history then in the edit menu select "redo add region". It will then recreate the region as before and Melodyne will recreate whatever edits you've made.
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