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  1. Thanks David! I will try this later tonight or tomorrow. Sounds like just what I need.
  2. Thanks, I'll keep looking for a solution. In this case I wouldn't be able to copy a clip I would need to record them at the same time. Also would be doing slicing and splicing them not just envelopes. If thete is no such capability in Sonar hopefully it's something that could be added.
  3. Is there a way to link tracks or otherwise, which will apply any edits made on one track to the other one? Use case would be for applying edits to guitar takes recorded from an external amp and having those edits also apply to a raw DI of the same take for reamping later. Thanks!
  4. Mettelus, many thanks! I will check out that link.
  5. When I was first setting up the program many months back I found an option buried in the menus that said it would super sample everything, at least that's what I think it said it was going to do. Has anyone played around and noticed any real world benefits to doing this? I'm asking because I'm wondering if I should turn it off. I run a decently powerful system 5950x but I recently imported a bunch of audio tracks into my old rig which is an i7 4790k and it was many times faster at importing same tracks into the same project than the AMD platform was, even though it's much newer and more powerful. I'm guessing the super sampling setting was the cause because it was importing tracks. But I can't even remember what the setting was called or what menu I found it in, lol If anyone has any input it's appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I mistakenly applied a declip fx to a ton of audio tracks. Selecting them all and holding down Ctrl does not apply the region fx delete to all tracks the way it would apply any other single track change to all other selected tracks. Is there any way to do this or must the region fx all be removed one at a time? Thanks,
  7. Hi John, I was recording back then too. First device I ever had was an old Tascam cassette tape 4 track recorder back in the mid 1980s. Hi Byron, As to why so many tracks it's because sometimes that's what a project requires. In this case I am going through many takes of vocal tracks to find the best ones and piece them together. I'll delete unused tracks when I'm done with them. Sometimes even when you have 50+ takes of any particular vocal line or verse every one of them is a bit different. So if you want to put in the time you can drill down and find the best bits among all those takes and try editing them together into something even better.
  8. I get into some large projects, sometimes sifting and cutting audio tracks together from several hundred takes. It's a real slog when I have to drag a take from tracks 1-50 down into tracks 400-450 for example. I was hoping there would simply be an option to assign a number to an audio track directly. So I could send let's say track 5 to track 425 by retyping the track number instead of waiting 30 seconds give or take to drag the track down to that position manually. I don't see an option for it though, if there isn't I'd like to see it included in future versions of Cakewalk. Thank you, -Sean
  9. That was it apparently. No idea why they have that turned on as the default unless the programmers enjoy driving people mad. Thanks Bitflipper!
  10. I've encountered this a few times and I'm not sure what causes it. When drawing notes on the piano roll view the snap to time option for that note is locked to 1/8 notes, when I change it to 16/,th notes and then go back and grab that same note to try and snap it to time again, it reverts back to 1/8 notes on the snap time options. Why is the program behaving this way and what setting do I need to change to turn it off? I just want to be able to manually set the snap resolution of the grid and have it stay there. Edit: now it is simply refusing to allow me to select any snap time on the upper left of the piano roll window. Whenever I select quarter notes eighth notes 16th notes or anything else I will go back and drag a note and the setting will uncheck itself. Tried it with global snap turned on and off with the same results. Can't figure out how to make it stop, it's also happening whether or not snap to grid view is turned on or if a specific time is selected on the grid resolution. Thank you!
  11. Strange, must somehow be hardware related then. I'll look into it. Thanks!
  12. Twice today this program has crashed on me and wiped out some good recording takes. Seems to happen when I'm attempting to freeze a track and if I do anything else like even attempt to scrub the timeline it hangs for about 10 seconds and then crashes to the desktop. Is anybody else experiencing this kind of behavior?
  13. Thanks John, I will look into this. I don't know what mode I am recording in, should be the default. What you've outlined definitely sounds like a possibility though because I have been doing a lot of performance takes with long stretches between closing the file down, so it could be saving all of the temp takes to the copy file. Good suggestion, thanks again!
  14. On my current project I have it saved to a default location where I open it and work on it from. Every so often I will save a copy to an external drive. Right now there is about 4GB of audio data in the folder, but the backup copy had ballooned up to over 40GB before I deleted it and saved a new copy. I want the audio from the project to be saved with the backup copy so I have been instructing Cakewalk to save all audio for the project, but it seems to have been creating duplicate wav files instead of overwriting ones that already exist. This is a pretty recent thing, before it used to ask me if I wanted to overwrite the files but it stopped doing that. So I must have turned some setting on or off without realizing it?
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