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Everything posted by jmasno5

  1. This is my 4th album. I hope you enjoy it. 4 What? (because) contains NO BALLADS, NO POLITICS, NO AI SONGWRITING. https://masarone.bandcamp.com/album/4-what-because
  2. I have tried Firefox, Edge, and Chrome as default. No go. When changing default browser, I restarted Cakewalk each time. I am wire connected via Ethernet cable. I checked and turned off my Firewall. No go.
  3. This is the crap as to why I mostly use Studio One. Can you imagine being involved in a major project only to find Cakewalk won't allow you to activate? What other DAW does that?
  4. Thanks Lynn. You are very kind. I do feel I took a step forward with this one.
  5. Is it still ok to say "album?" Or, collection of songs? Anyway, I hope you like it. This was my lock down project that spilled over to this year. The album is titled, "Signal Run." There's 10 songs. https://masarone.bandcamp.com/album/signal-run
  6. Very catchy and very good performance.
  7. You know if I could write and perform like this I would always be looking for Sync opportunities so I can quit my day job. Sounds great. Good luck.
  8. Is that a Gretsch Duo Jet? ? I totally dig the vibe. Really cool. I don't think 80's so much. I think Death Cab for Cutie. Love the drums.
  9. This is so cool! Great mix. Very clever sync to the video. Love the space in this tune.
  10. jmasno5

    smooth jazz

    I dug it! My only crit, maybe because I'm a bass player, more low end! ?
  11. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    Originals are also at http://jmasno5.com They are linked to Bandcamp. https://masarone.bandcamp.com/
  12. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    Thanks. You must be young Wookie. "Saturday morning!" I remember when they were prime-time. I was in the single digits but remember it was "groovy!" ? I still remember when my older brother brought home their first album. I played the crap out of in on my parents big Hi-Fi piece of furniture. You lifted the lid to play a record. It was as big as the console TV.
  13. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    Thank you everyone for listening and commenting. It is always a great help.
  14. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    Thanks, Jesse! Yes on the instruments. This was a rare time I actually played the drums using a lesser Roland V-Drums kit. I played the straight beat and then overdubbed the fills. Usually, I use midi drum patterns and edit the notes like everyone but it was an easy beat to cop. I did the same with my cover of "Rain" too.
  15. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    JDF, Thank you. Yes, along time ago when I first started using a Sonar and in order to learn how to use it I recorded a Mike Nesmith tune "You Told Me." I would like to do "You May Just Be The One" too someday.
  16. jmasno5

    Monkees cover

    Here is a Monkees cover I did. I hope it brings back good memories for 2 minutes 29 seconds. ? http://jmasno5.com/#petelink
  17. Really cool! Very convincing.
  18. jmasno5


    Sounds really great. Yes, Sound Cloud will crush any music. Doesn't matter how great the quality is when you upload it will get compressed to 128bit.
  19. I noticed that my older version 9 Waves plugs load only as VST2. This is not a big issue. They were at one point VST3 in Cakewalk. They are working as VST3 is Studio One. All other versions, 10, 11, and 12 load as VST3 in Cakewalk. I tried re-scanning frontward and backwards. Anyone else notice this with ver 9? Thanks.
  20. Fab Faux is great. Will Lee is great. I hope he is still in the band.
  21. We currently have Color Follow Bus. However, I like having my Bus grouped with the tracks I am summing rather than having the Bus on the far right of the mixing console. The use of Aux tracks solves this but it would be nice if there was a Color Follow Aux Track option. Thanks.
  22. Haha. I was in a Beatles Band when I was younger. We did a lot of covers but one set was all Beatles with suits and ties. The Hofner bass was always in need of intonation. One night the neck pickup fell into the body. That bass was a struggle. I prefer bands that only play the music and do not get dressed up. So when we put the band together you will not need makeup ? My favorite Beatles tribute band is http://www.theanalogues.net/ They take it to the next level. Here is a pic of me back in the day... Right handed. I still have the P-Bass. It was my first bass. Purchased new in 1978 or 79. Notice the Acoustic 220 Bass Head. I used it for 10 years with the matching 2 x 15 Cab. I had to sell it because I bought a smaller car.
  23. Thank you Michael and Mahavishnu! I thought I was the world's biggest Beatles fan. ? I'm filled with useless Beatles knowledge and currently reading "Tune In" with 1200 pages of more knowledge.
  24. Bummer! Yes, I refuse to buy their update renewal too. Every once in awhile I get an email asking me to complete a package by buying the last plugin for $29 or low price. When I did that for Abbey Road they automatically updated all the old plugins in that set. Other than that it is no deal for me.
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