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  1. msmcleod's post in Clip Waveform Scaling Questions [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    @Bill Phillips - we've identified the issue here (it has to do with the clip gain region crossing tempo change boundaries).  It'll be fixed for the general release.
  2. msmcleod's post in Track is recording notes from a separate track was marked as the answer   
    Disable the MIDI output of your drum VSTi:

    Or alternatively set the MIDI input filter on your recording MIDI track to "All External Inputs"

  3. msmcleod's post in Mackie Control and PC Effects was marked as the answer   
    Currently the PC76 U Type (or the PC4K S Bus Type - they're the same plugin with a switch to change type), and the ProChannel EQ are the only two PC plugins that can be controlled via the Mackie.
    These were "special cased" by Azlow3 in the Mackie Control source code - all other plugins have to be in the main track FX bin to be controlled.

    There may be a way of supporting them in the future, however the difficulty is the risk of breaking the many Mackie Control emulations.

    It's something I'll look into when I get the chance.
  4. msmcleod's post in Merge project was marked as the answer   
    This is how I do this:
    1, Open up project 1 & 2
    2. Go to Project 1, select all the tracks you want and save as a track template. 
    3. Go to Project 2, insert the track template
    4. Go back to Project 1, select all the tracks you want, and Copy Special (with all options checked)
    5. Go back to Project 2, make sure [1] the first track of the newly created track template is the active track, and [2] Now time is at start
    6. Paste Special.
  5. msmcleod's post in Locate in cursor in one step instead of ctrl+x and ctl+v 2 steps? was marked as the answer   
    Look at the nudge settings in Preferences->Customization->Nudge.

    You can configure up to 3 different nudge timings, and use the keypad (with numlock ON ) to move the selected clip(s).

  6. msmcleod's post in PC4K-S Side Chain Not Available [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    When using the PC4K S-Type Bus compressor on a track, and enabling the side chain, it appears for me as the following:

  7. msmcleod's post in strange - MIDI Volume Limited to 12 instead of 127 was marked as the answer   
    Are you in offset mode perhaps?
  8. msmcleod's post in Cakewalk thinks I have different audio interface was marked as the answer   
    That's fine as the 2i2 only has 1 x stereo pair.

    However, when you go to your track inputs you'll now get the choice of choosing the channels:

  9. msmcleod's post in CbB and Samson Graphite 49 , MCU problems [fixed] was marked as the answer   
    Have you tried disabling handshake on the Mackie Control properties?

  10. msmcleod's post in CAN I KEEP SONAR PLATINUM IF I INSALL BANDLAB was marked as the answer   
    I'd strongly advise you to keep SONAR Platinum installed so that all the 3rd party extras that come with it will continue to work with Cakewalk by BandLab.
    Both can exist happily side by side.
    You shouldn't encounter much of a learning curve moving to Cakewalk by BandLab - the program is basically the same, with a few enhancements and a huge amount of bug fixes.
  11. msmcleod's post in New BUG in Sonar by BandLab was marked as the answer   
    Has that note been accidentally assigned to a command within Keyboard Shortcuts?
  12. msmcleod's post in My entire ASIO set up completely disappears... was marked as the answer   
    Ok, that's your Roland audio interface driver crashing.
    There's a couple of things you could try:
    1. As you've switched back and forth from ASIO to MME, your AUD.INI file may be a bit messy with the measurements from the different modes. This can sometimes cause crashes. If you delete it (when Cakewalk isn't running), Cakewalk will create a brand new one when it starts. Its located in %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
    2. A Windows update could have messed about with your audio interface drivers. Re-installing them should normally fix this. I'd recommend deleting AUD.INI as well, after the driver reinstall though.
  13. msmcleod's post in How do I get imported midi file to snap to start of song? was marked as the answer   
    Does it not just import at the current Now time? 
    Maybe just press "W" before you do the import.
  14. msmcleod's post in Smart Tool question...reverse left single/double click? was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this: https://www.ghacks.net/2012/12/27/remap-your-mouse-buttons-on-windows/
    From what I can tell, it lets you assign hotkeys to load different mouse profiles.
    So you could map (for example) CTRL + ":" set the buttons to left handed, and CTRL + SHIFT +  ":"  to swap them back to right handed.
    Note: There may be better programs out there - this is just one that I found in a Google search.
  15. msmcleod's post in First note during playback always sounds funny/distorted. was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, I get this sometimes.
    I've never worked out why, but putting in a blank measure sorts it.
  16. msmcleod's post in Insert New Track but Not Visible in Track View was marked as the answer   
    I'm not seeing this behaviour, it's working fine for me.
    Do you have any lenses defined, or screensets or mix snapshots on that project?
    There was a recent post regarding a similar issue:
    It turned out to be a lense issue. Setting Lenses to None fixed it for him.
  17. msmcleod's post in How do I get a track to play any other channel in TTS-1 besides channel 1? was marked as the answer   
    Try this:

  18. msmcleod's post in Help files and user/reference guides was marked as the answer   
    This method still works for me.  I don't recall having to change the registry... although I suspect I changed it in Preferences before the option disappeared.
    The things I need help for are less well used ones, rather than standard workflow tasks (which usually means they've not changed since SONAR), so the fact that it's out of date hasn't been an issue for me so far.
  19. msmcleod's post in Is there a simple way to change the length of an audio clip also affecting pitch? was marked as the answer   
    For this kind of editing, I guess it might be easier to export to Audacity, do the change speed, and import back into Cakewalk.
    It's a pity Audacity can't be added to the tools menu (well, actually it can, but it doesn't work quite as expected). 
    SoundForge works so much better for this kind of thing, as you can fire up SoundForge directly from Cakewalk, do your edit, save and it's automatically updated within Cakewalk.
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