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  1. msmcleod's post in Fresh Install, No Audio to Any Outputs was marked as the answer   
    Your audio device set up seems fine, but without seeing your track / bus routing it's impossible to tell where the track is being routed to.

    Also, all of your tracks are plain MIDI tracks.  MIDI itself makes no sound - it needs to be routed to a software synth or an external sound device via a MIDI interface.
  2. msmcleod's post in Can't delete errored recording because cakewalk selects ALL tracks and deletes everything that is playing at the same time. was marked as the answer   
    There are two things I can think of that could cause this:

    1.  Select Sections with Time Ruler is checked
    2.  Ripple Edit All is on.

  3. msmcleod's post in Multiple Mackie controllers showing the same tracks was marked as the answer   
    By default, Cakewalk will assign the outputs as you've described to better support extenders without further configuration.
    If you want to override this:

    1. Open the Mackie Control surface dialog from the Utilities menu.
    2. Click the "Configure Layout" button
    3. Within TouchDAW, turn the v-pot on the first channel so that the display shows channels 1-8.
    4. Click the "Press Again When Done" button on the Mackie Control surface dialog
    5. Save your configuration as a preset within the Mackie Control surface dialog, and close the dialog.

    However, the MackieControl wasn't really designed to work this way - you may get the two surfaces fighting each other.

    If you do have issues, consider downloading/installing my version of the Mackie Control software:  https://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/MMcLMackieControlSetup.zip

    Once installed, restart Cakewalk and use "MMcL Mackie Control #1" for TouchDAW, leaving the SSL on Cakewalk's Mackie Control.

    Currently, my version of the Mackie Control is identical to Cakewalk's but is registered using  its own unique id, so it's seen as separate from the Cakewalk one.  This allows the two surfaces to operate independently, but still follow the same channels.
  4. msmcleod's post in Only export certain parts of a track was marked as the answer   

    1. Export a selection; or
    2. Create arranger sections for the parts you want, then use "Arranger Sections" as the source category when exporting.
  5. msmcleod's post in Swapping Plugins on the same track was marked as the answer   
    Right click on the track, and choose "Replace Synth..." from the context menu.

  6. msmcleod's post in Clip Gain Editing Anomoly (SOLVED) was marked as the answer   
    @Bill Phillips - your video example shows the track edit filter as "Clip Automation", whereas the CTRL + drag in lower part is the smart-tool behaviour for clip-gain when the track filter is set to "Clips" (step 1 in your highlighted part of the documentation).

    The smart tool behaviour is as follows:
    Track Filter = "Clips":    CTRL + drag in the lower part of the clip to alter the level of the ENTIRE clip-gain envelope Track Filter = "Clip Automation":    Select the area at the lower part of the clip, then drag from top using the shelf tool - no modifiers are involved.
    BTW - the way I'm switching the track edit filter between "Clips" and "Clip Gain Automation" is by using the "Toggle Track/Clip Gain in the Edit Filter" key binding in the "Track View" area.

    I've got this set to the key between SHIFT and Z - this is "\" on a UK keyboard.  IIRC, this is " ` " (backward single quote) on a US keyboard:

  7. msmcleod's post in How to cut and was marked as the answer   
    Ripple Edit will delete the hole, shifting everything along to close the gap.

    Use Ripple Edit selection to only affect the current / selected clips, or Ripple Edit All to affect all tracks.

    Remember to switch it off afterwards though!

  8. msmcleod's post in Envelope Adjust Over Time Range Bug (?) [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    FWIW - I've fixed the issue for the next release.  The tempo track envelope will now be excluded as part of the envelope selection unless you're specifically editing in the tempo track.
  9. msmcleod's post in Installation Problem (solved) was marked as the answer   
    It should be in the Cakewalk subfolder in your Downloads folder.
  10. msmcleod's post in Dragging Multiple Clips with Take Lanes [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    CTRL+A selects everything, so it's likely including something that is starting at time zero.   CTRL + Click only selects the clips you click, and nothing else.
  11. msmcleod's post in audio export sound cuts out for at 1 second mark for about 2 seconds then come back in on every file was marked as the answer   
    Maybe a plugin on your master bus that has reverted to demo mode?

    Major Windows updates can cause this with some plugins.

    Try exporting with your FX bypassed - it the problem goes away, enable FX again and disable each plugin one by one to track it down.
  12. msmcleod's post in Saving Clips/Sections For Later was marked as the answer   
    This is what the arranger is for.

    Create an arranger section covering your chorus.  You can then record an intro after it, or a verse in whatever order you want - then create an arranger section covering each section.

    Once you've got your sections recorded, drag the sections within the Arranger Inspector to an arrangement. You can preview it to see if it works - if it does, committing the arrangement will re-arrange the project to match your arrangement.  You can also create multiple arrangements to test each one out to see which works best before committing.

    The example below is just using one track, but it'll work with a complete project with any number of tracks:

  13. msmcleod's post in Small USB Asio Sound Card? was marked as the answer   
    You absolutely have to switch to high performance mode to get any decent performance in audio applications. 

    Software synths & effects are almost 100% reliant on CPU power.
  14. msmcleod's post in Audio files not playing properly was marked as the answer   
    This sounds like a plugin that needs re-authorizing since moving to your new disk.  

    Some plugins periodically go silent for a few seconds when they're not authorized... and they may use the disk's serial number as part of their authorization.

    First click the FX button on the transport module to disable all effects.  If all your audio is sounding, then that's your problem.

    Then turn FX back on, and manually disable all of your effects, and introduce them one by one until you find the culprit.
  15. msmcleod's post in MIDI Groove Clip Pitches - A Minor Problem? was marked as the answer   
    In many ways Groove Clip pitch markers are  a poor man's chord track. It'll move pitch up and down, but  what you cannot do is change from major to minor. 

    It does work with both MIDI Groove Clips and Audio Groove Clips though.

    The thing you need to remember to do, within Properties / Groove Clip is:
    Turn on Looping Turn on "Follow Pitch" Correctly set the Reference Note e.g.:   In this example, I've played a C triad in the MIDI track.

    The Pitch markers are set to C  at bar 1,   F at bar 2, and back to C at bar 3.   The chord correctly changes to an F at bar 2, and back to C at bar 3. 

  16. msmcleod's post in When are analytics sent? was marked as the answer   
    IIRC, when Cakewalk starts up and shuts down.
  17. msmcleod's post in What subfolder is created during consolidation? was marked as the answer   

  18. msmcleod's post in This weird hissing sound in my DAW (VST Plugin problem) was marked as the answer   
    Most probably a VST that hasn't been authorised.  Quite a few VST's emit periodic white noise once their trial period has ended.
  19. msmcleod's post in Automation trick? was marked as the answer   
    Using the smart tool, select from the bottom, drag from the top:

  20. msmcleod's post in Unexpected Additional Audio Files [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    New audio files are created every time you change the audio on your track - e.g. split, re-record etc.  These are created so that:

    1. You can undo those operations during a session
    2. If you use auto-save, the older versions of the track audio is still there for those older versions

    The safest way to get a "clean" version of your project with only the audio files you need is to use File->Save As , and save your project to a new folder.

    The new project will only have the files it needs for the project.
  21. msmcleod's post in How to view Arranger section start/length properties? was marked as the answer   
    It's shown as a tool tip in the arranger inspector:

  22. msmcleod's post in Critical routing error - can't resolve. was marked as the answer   
    If your instrument tracks are simple instrument tracks, you'll need to split them to get access to the underlying audio track. You can then set the audio track's input to the synth's audio output.
  23. msmcleod's post in Track View Horizontal Scroll [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    Yes it's explained here for zooming:

    I can't find anything specific in the docs for scrolling - normally the mouse wheel alters the control it's currently hovering over, but if it's over a clip or a blank space in the clips view:

    Mouse Wheel = vertical scroll bar.
    CTRL + Mouse Wheel  = horizontal scroll bar.

  24. msmcleod's post in Weird MIDI clip behaviour was marked as the answer   
    @Ferenc Hegedus - this has been fixed for the next release.   It was caused by a couple of other fixes:

    - Moving partial selections were not being cropped
    - Moving step sequencer clips were being cropped

    In the next release, you won't need to mess with Non-Destructive MIDI Editing.  As long as the clip was fully selected when you move it, it'll retain its original length.
  25. msmcleod's post in Convert all Clips to Absolute Time for Mixing? [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    I don't see any issues with this. It sounds like a sensible approach to me for anything that isn't recorded to a click.
    Although this is true, It might be wise to set all the audio clips to absolute first... just in case there are custom settings under the groove clip setting for one of the clips.

    FYI - the way I'd go about changing everything to absolute:

    1.  Press "H" to bring up the track manager, and hide everything apart from audio tracks.
    2.  Select all your audio tracks
    3.  Go to the Clip Properties in the inspector, and set Time Base to "Absolute"
    4.  Press "H" again and unhide all the tracks I'd hidden in step 1.

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