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  1. To do it as you describe: 1. Add a new MIDI track, and arm it 2. Start recording and hit the same note on every down beat throughout the whole piece 3. Select the MIDI clip you've just recorded, then select "Fit Improvisation" from the main Process menu at the top. This will create a tempo map based on the timing of the MIDI notes recorded in step 2.
  2. Actually, "All Inputs" has been there for as long as I can remember. "All External Inputs" was recently added however, which ignores the outputs of any software synths.
  3. The only way I know works is by using WASAPI shared, as this aggregates all the devices. You should be able to use ASIOLink and open the USB mic as a WDM driver. I used to do this with my Focusrite 18i20 & mLAN setup, where ASIOLink would open the 18i20 in ASIO mode, and use WDM for the mLAN audio ports. In all honesty though, it became such a nightmare to configure all the time, I reverted back to using a small analog mixer, where everything went through the analog mixer and came back through the inputs in my main ASIO interface or through my onboard Realtek line input. Given the ASIO limitation in Windows, USB mics are really only good on a Mac. Sometimes it's easier to go old school. I use Thomann's T-Bone version of this:
  4. I suspect the issue is that VB-Audio Matrix is grabbing the ASIO drivers of the other audio devices, preventing Sonar from opening them. Why it crashes is another question... the drivers should either be fully open by VB-Audio Matrix, or not at all. VB-Audio Matrix is probably leaving the ASIO drivers in a state Sonar doesn't expect. FWIW, I didn't have this issue with ASIOLink which also opens other ASIO drivers, so something VB-Audio Matrix is doing is leaving things in a weird state. BTW - you shouldn't need to uninstall / re-install Sonar - deleting or renaming AUD.INI would have sufficed.
  5. The darker plus signs are meant to indicate that it's disabled - and it's disabled because you've not selected an articulation map to add to your project.
  6. FWIW - I'm not seeing any issues with UVI Workstation here.
  7. @Archerdrummer / @Waldemar Pawlik - can you confirm whether this happens in all cases, or only when the PRV is open?
  8. If the exe is the full installer (~500Mb) , then yes - if it's an update installer (~50Mb), then no... maybe @Jonathan Sasor can send you an installer for the previous build to check whether it is indeed a 2025.02 problem. Given that both myself and others are not having a problem however, my gut feel is that it's not the 2025.02 release. It's more likely a Windows update or installing something else has upset things. If this is the case then rolling back probably won't make a difference. I'd advise: 1. Use the Windows system file checker to verify that your Windows installation is ok: run sfc /scannow in an admin power-shell ( Windows Key + X, then press A). 2. Ensure the latest VC++ redists are installed. There's a link to a bundle of the latest MS VC++ redists here:
  9. Good find... I had this problem a few years back... random freezes, blue screens etc... took months to find out it was a bad memory stick. You're lucky you spotted it.
  10. Not seeing any issues here with BFD3 using those steps.
  11. Have you tried the link to HyperCanvas above? It's almost identical to TTS-1.
  12. There have been discussions but nothing concrete. FWIW the removal of TTS-1 was by request of Roland - it's their IP.
  13. IIRC Groove3 has tutorials on both MixControl and Focusrite Control. I'm not sure how good the Focusrite Control tutorial is, but I'm using 1st gen Scarletts, and the MixControl tutorial was invaluable. In general when dealing with audio interfaces, you have the following: 1. Hardware Inputs/Outputs 2. Inputs/Outputs as seen by your DAW 3. A mapping between 1 & 2. Most people assume that 1 & 2 are the same thing - and by default they're probably set up to look that way. They're not the same though, and once you start messing with things you can get unstuck pretty quickly. I made this assumption too at first, but the tutorial corrected that for me. Having not seen the Focusrite Control video, I can't really go ahead and recommend that specific one (and there are probably free tutorials on YouTube in any case), but it is well worth watching one or two tutorials just to help get your head around how the routing works before it even reaches your DAW.
  14. FWIW I'm using Windows 10 still and not seeing any issues. I've got two Windows 10 boots on this machine: one is my dev boot, which has a bunch of random stuff on it, the other is my DAW boot which is relatively clean. Neither have any issues with text/fonts.
  15. There isn't one. Cakewalk will only automatically insert TTS-1 when opening a MIDI file if: 1. You have TTS-1 installed, and 2. You have no hardware MIDI outputs defined. The way to do this is: 1. Copy the TTS-1 folder from your old machine into the new one (into the same directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\ ) 2. Launch Power Shell as administrator (Press Windows Key + X, then press A) and enter the following: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared DXi\TTS-1\TTS-1.dll" [EDIT] - Just tried out the Hyper Canvas @cakerun suggested. This works pretty well and is almost identical to TTS-1. I'm running it JBridged, although BitBridge also worked fine. The advantage here being that it'll not crash CbB/Sonar - the worst that will happen is JBridge/BitBridge will crash should there be a problem. [EDIT 2] - Turns out JBridge is problematic - CbB/Sonar hangs when trying to re-open the Hyper Canvas UI. BitBridge works fine.
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