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Everything posted by ancjava

  1. I installed from januray 24 one and i have tts
  2. I don't have Sonar installer but I have CbB installer from january. So would it work the way I described (on my curent machine I update regulary and still have TTS So If I copy TTS folder to Shared DXi on new machine and run the regservr32 command it should also do the trick?
  3. BTW Do I understand correctly that if, on new machine, I first install from older installer (I have one from january) and then install again from latest version of installer i should have final version of CbB with TTS working?
  4. I think You can just copy registry entries on the new system? Or try to use vst3shell wrapper or converter.
  5. If I have it with cakewalk installed can i just copy the TTS-1 folder from "shared DXi" to new installation on CbB on another machine? Swould it work?
  6. Wait, Do I understand correclt that for 15$ You get full new Sonar AND other backstage pass features? Sounds like a bargain to me.
  7. And while you usually can add more RAM the need of better CPU = new PC. That is why I belive that CbB should be just left activated after final update. Lack of support and promised affordable prices should be enough for everyone that treats music production seriously to evnetually switch to sonar anyway.
  8. A lot of us is afraid that change to vector graphics will make the software much "heavier" and not performing as well as CbB on our PCs. (Especially that the specs suggested for Sonar are much bigger than for CbB_ I am planing to buy Sonar anyway but I wanted to have CbB as a backup. Espacially that it was suggested few times that CbB will continue to work indefinetly just without any support and now it looks like rules are being changed during the game.
  9. ancjava

    Final update on CbB

    Is this already known when we can expect final update to Cakewalk By Bandlab and how this final version will have licence handled?
  10. What came in my mind mind - can owners confirm that we just get one version with different payment options not a multiple tier versions with lower ones lacking some functions? Personally I really hate software distributed in tht way.
  11. Can staff confirm if the new Sonar will require more resources than CbB or if the PC that run CbB smoothly (in my case 4 core CPU and 16 GB of RAM) should be enough to get the same performance out of new Sonar?
  12. Also i am intersted - all the plugins that were in CbB and all pro channel modules will be avalible in new Sonar?
  13. Any idea when we can expect more info about pricing? As I understand You want to know what the community expects and it clearly looks like 90% wants one time payment option as a priority
  14. The FAQ suggest a bit vaguely that the last (still to be relased) version of CbB will remain avalible. I would kindly ask the staff to clear few things here: - won't this final version stay avalible forever and will not deactivate with no re activation avalible - will the final version remain avalible to download from the cakewalk site or do we have to keep the installers?
  15. Will the final version of CbB remain avalible to install and to use forever just without new updates? The UI revamping worries me... I love the current CbB interface. Maybe I consider buying the new Sonar but only if there will be one time paid lifetime license option.
  16. Anyone? Can't seem to find any way around this and it DID work fine earlier
  17. I did three tests, one on iddle system, on on cakewalk running but no audio playing and one with cw and audio playing. Now i am even more confused - all three test seem to give good reports but during the playing of audio there were constant stutters resulting in moments of silence (moresoe - those moments of silence appear also in exported wav file). I am attaching all three reports cause maybe i am missing something in them. raport cw playing.txt raport idle.txt report cw stopped.txt
  18. Hello. First I have to say that the problems are on my second PC which I am using at home for some quick fixes when I am not in studio. I am not using audio interface with this but for small project it used to work with WASAPI shared untilow. Some days ago I experienced a drastic drop of performance. Projects with only few plugins, that used to work perfectly smooth now are stuttering and the audio constantly runs out of buffer. I have no idea what on my PC may be causing that. Any ideas into what I should look to fix it? (sadly did not have system restore points turned on on this PC.)
  19. Hello. I am looking for a CAL script or plugin that would allow MIDI humaniazing but without any notes overlaping (so it could be used to humanize midi tracks written for instruments like fute and other winds where overlaping is impossible to achieve on real instrument). Aby reccomendations?
  20. Those scripts are great but they are lacking function that prevents notes from overlapping so it ould be used to instruments like flute. Anyone knows script or free MIdI plugin that would have such function?
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