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Thomas Sneddon

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  1. Please disregard this post, as for some reason, my buffer setting was set at 2048(somehow...it reverted back to this setting, as I previously had it set at 512.)
  2. I've been having a lot of trouble laying down drum tracks & even when I do enough takes to get the timing reasonably tight in real time....when I go to quantize it, it makes the timing much worse. Also....I've tried using the piano roll window to manually fix the notes(when I click on a single note to move it, all of the other notes move along with it...really?) I've never had these problems in any other DAW I've used....so I can only assume that since I am still new to Cakewalk, I must be doing something wrong....but what? The only reason I sought out a new DAW and stumbled upon Cakewalk, is due to the fact that my Reason 10 DAW does not recognize any of my AAS plugins.....so when I began having the aforementioned issues with Cakewalk, I tried using the open source LMMS(which I didn't care for & I deleted it).....then I tried Tracktion Waveform and it was buggy as hell & I deleted that as well. I even considered Behringer's Energy XT DAW....but their 64bit version is still in the alpha testing mode and xtsware.com, has acquired the rights to this DAW.
  3. I had already realized it was my own doing & admitted my mistakes( so there is no need to worry about me trashing this DAW.) Initially....I was overwhelmed and I thought it was very odd that I couldn't find a midi connection indicator light within Cakewalk & because of how different Cakewalk is from Ableton, Mixcraft & Studio One...I was really thrown off...in terms of becoming acclimated & my initial interpretation was way off base. As it were...Cakewalk had a bad wrap(under Gibson's ownership & their subsequent mismanagement of it)....& I have come to realize that under BandLab's acquisition of Cakewalk, this DAW is in a whole other category. There is no other software in existence(that I know of)...that is 100% free, fully functional & well maintained...so you have to expect a certain amount of skepticism from new users(as most free software...though advertised as free...isn't as such....& if it is...it's abandoned by the software developers & the user just gets the software as is.) I've been working with DAW's since 2007 & have owned & tested out several and Cakewalk Bandlab outshines some of the other paid DAW's and once I got my bearings...I found Cakewalk to be n absolute pleasure to work with. I was especially impressed with how easy it was to install and anyone who is considering this DAW....should definitely watch this short review of it; By the way....I am so taken with Cakewalk BandLab...that I have deleted my Mixcraft & Ableton DAW's and although Reason 10 has been my main DAW...I'm focusing all my attention on Cakewalk. I do appreciate your thoughts about Cakewalk & people who use Cakewalk, should defend it...when it's put into question by skeptics.
  4. Noel...this is extremely helpful...didn't realize how simple the layout is! One of my mistakes, was choosing the preset 16 track option, as this really overwhelmed me. Thanks a mint!?
  5. Thanks for all of the replies...much appreciated. I will definitely look into the manual more. Here is what I have discovered thus far on my own...I doubled-clicked on a VST plugin & a options window popped up & after checking off a few boxes, I now have audio. I made a video of it, but oddly, my screen capturing software did not pick up the audio. There must be a better way to create instrument tracks(do I have to go through this procedure for each & every instance of an instrument track?
  6. In an effort to further troubleshoot my issues with AAS's Ultra Analog VA-3 and my Mixcraft 8, 9 & Ableton Live Lite 11 DAW's....I sought to obtain a free DAW, to see how this AAS plugin would behave in it. This brought to discovering Cakewalk BandLab and I was absolutely thrilled with the prospect of this DAW....& I was amazed at how beautifully simple it was to install it and all of it's contents & I loved that it immediately recognized my midi controller....but for the life of me, I cannot get it to work in Cakewalk. My audio interface setup is solid....but I am not receiving any midi signal & there is no sound coming from any of the instruments I load up on track 1. I don't even know where the midi indicator light is(assuming there is one? I sought out video tutorials on mid keyboard set ups, but this doesn't sort out my problem. BandLab tech support is useless and I have posted all over the internet, in an effort to gain some insight into this problem. Somehow....I knew...that a free, feature-packed DAW was too good to be true(I guess it's asking too much for product support for a product that is free.) I don't want to give up just yet, but I've exhausted all possible options...it seems.
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