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Michael Menser

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  1. Just in case anyone is interested, Cakewalk is working fine for me now, although I'm not sure what I did to fix it. I have been using Studio One for the past few months but I opened Cakewalk again recently to export some tracks and, to my surprise, it miraculously works fine now. I'm not sure what changed but I suspect it might have had something to do with the buffer size. Previously I tried to change it in an effort to fix the playback issues but it would automatically revert back to what it was set to before. Whatever the reason. . . I'm just glad it works properly and I now have the ability to use either Cakewalk or Studio One.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I still haven't been able to improve the performance of Cakewalk but I tried Presonus Studio One 6 and it works just fine. I have been planning to switch over to Studio One for a while anyway. The only issue is I have a few projects in Cakewalk I still need to finish. I guess for now I'll finish those projects on my old hard drive.
  3. I did a fresh install to the new SSD. I thought cloning would be better but I eventually gave up because my PC would freeze on a loading screen for hours at 0%. Honestly, I have never heard of 4K alignment. I'm not super knowledgeable about computers ?.
  4. A few days I got a new SSD to replace my hard drive that was loading very slow. I installed Cakewalk and all of my VST's. I used screenshots to make sure all of my settings are identical to how it was set up previously on my HDD (as far as I can tell). I updated drivers. I made sure ASIO is selected as my audio driver in Preferences. Unfortunately, when I opened a project I found that the audio playback was very choppy and glitchy. It often drops out the audio briefly before resuming. The VST instruments I've tried run terribly even from playing one note. EZ Drummer 3 runs fine, strangely.... The only 2 things that I can tell are different from before are 1) I am now running a slightly newer version of Cakewalk. 2) The version of Windows on the SSD seems to be a little different/newer. I'm running on Windows 10 using an M Audio Air 192-6 interface. The amount of power, CPU and RAM usage is identical to when Cakewalk runs on the HDD (i switched between them to find any differences). Everything else on my PC seems to be running very fast and smooth. I'm not sure if the issue is with Cakewalk specifically or an audio driver. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Michael
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it. It seemed okay for about half an hour but unfortunately it messed up again
  6. I'm using Cakewalk version (currently the latest version) Buffer size set to 256 samples Windows 10 i7-4790K processor 8 GB ram (planning to upgrade soon) I'm using M-Audio Air 192/6 audio interface - ASIO There are quite a few effect plugins on this project but not really much more than an average project for me. I have several instances of Neutron in the project. I'm also using a few Arturia plugins. The cpu/disk meter doesn't go up when the error occurs (assuming I'm looking at the correct thing for this).
  7. I have a Cakewalk project that suddenly gives me a popping noise followed by silence. When this happens the Mix bus and Master bus both show the meters going into red. I've found that if I disable the effects from the Mix bus then enable them again the project usually goes back to normal. This also happens if I delete a track from the project...when that happens I have to close the project and reopen it to get it work again. I tried creating a new bus to replace the mix bus... that didn't help. The only plugin I have on the mix bus is Neutron 3 elements for EQ and Compression. Also, when I tried to export an audio file of the project in its current state the resulting audio file begins with a pop followed by several minutes of silence. I decided to copy all of the audio tracks over to a new project. Strangely, I get the exact same problem. I've repeated this process a few times with the same end result. I don't have this issue on any of my other projects. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this?
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