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I currently spend probably 60 hours a week using Cakewalk, been using it since the mid 1990s (Sonar for several years in the 00s), and roughly 10% of my overall time has been spent cussing, getting pretty steamed and fighting the urge to do something rash over how nodes and fader/knob increments behave. I have some questions. - Why does dragging a spliced clip in a track start creating random new nodes all over the associated automation tracks (yes, plural) that are either dashed lines which randomly toss in 90 degree bends that can not be selected or converted to linear, fast, slow, etc OR are even crazier than that, node formations that are literally not documented anywhere and so have absolutely zero potential use (ie nothing explaining their existence)? -Why is there then no method of or work around to then cleaning up the randomly created mess of new nodes injected into the automation lanes OTHER THAN going in and right-click deleting every random node (except, of course, those that won't allow themselves to be deleted)? - Why can I not select a clip in a series of clips on an individual track and slide if forward or backward on the track without the automation nodes (of any/all automation lanes) syncing up with that clip and being dragged with it (which also starts creating random new nodes all over the place)? - Why does clicking and dragging a node, or fader or any random knob, up or down, side to side, etc, in order to change its envelop (volume, gain, etc) ALWAYS not give me a solid number like -1.0 instead it gives me -0.9 or 1.1, -5.6 or -5.4 instead of -5.5? I REALLY like moving in increments of 0.5. Is there no way to lend the 0.5 increments some gravity? Maybe, like, if the mouse button is held for more than 250ms the action could then go into fine detail mode? -Why is it Shift+Left-Click+Drag to get fine movements instead of Cntl+Left-Click+Drag like literally every plugin I have ever used, dating back to almost 30 %@*!ing years? -Why do things that I DO NOT INTERACT WITH become selected? On that last note, I have exported north of 2,000 projects. For at least 25% of them some random something has been automagically selected somewhere in the project and I got an empty .wav file after exporting, oh, and every time it said it was THE EXACT SIZE of what it would have been had it not been empty. This phenomena has had me checking outboard gear and my monitors, cables, power lines, basically pulling hair out and wasting A LOT OF TIME for DECADES. But, yeah, "Dude, always select>none", right? Right? That's the gotcha, right? What if your car randomly wouldn't start because a backseat seatbelt wasn't clicked-in, even though you had no passengers and some dip then said "Dude, always check your seatbelts"? Sure, in every emergency situation ever I've had time to go around to every seat and check that a 5 year old didn't leave its belt un-clicked. Yeah. No. I can not underestimate the amount of desk pounding and calling Cakewalk devs a whole lengthy stream of angry words that I have done over these things. Every time I have decided that it was obviously a big OBVIOUS issue that would eventually be resolved. I wrote it off because coming here and saying anything would just be a nightmare of gotcha people trying to say "Yeah, but" nonsense in attempts to look helpful or knowledgeable but being nothing but annoying. I'm done with that now, that's over. I am here. These are massive problems that have many times led me to a point of nearly wrecking an entire project, ie getting so ticked off I can no longer work that day, let alone keep whatever mood or vibe I may have had that COULD HAVE created something fun, something exciting, artistic, that betters my life and others' lives. I am sick of dealing with these simple little things that should have been fixed DECADES AGO, until project crippling / inspiration destroying frustration sets in. I would like to select WHAT I CLICK ON and absolutely nothing else gets involved, no nodes created, nothing synced up, nothing moves along with it, if I want that kind of behavior it should be a CHOICE. I shouldn't have to spend ten times as much time un-doing nonsense that I didn't want than anything that I did want. Don't tell me about alternatives, I don't want work arounds. I want these things fixed and that is all. No suggestions, no accolades, no sympathy votes, no BS. Just fix the patheticness.
My ThreadSchedulingModel is set to =2. I have not stretched any audio in the project. I do, however, have 64-bit Double Precision Engine enabled. My cpu runs at around 3.9Ghz. I assumed that 64-bit double precision shouldn't be an issue (and before 2022.09 it hasn't ever been). I'll attach my AUD.ini for anyone to browse. Please overlook the E-MU lines, those are old. AUD.ini
My buffer size is all the way up at 2,048 (I turn plugins off and lower it when I record, then raise it again to mix or review what's just been recorded - if the project is large). Multi-processing engine ON, and plugin Load Balancing was ON. Turning Load Balancing OFF seems to do it. This just started with 2022.09, before that I never had this issue (going back to Sonar 7?, around 2009 on WinXP with a way less powerful system). When Load Balancing is ON the glitches start and then keep going when the solo'd source track audio has ended but the empty track is still "playing". It only stops when play is stopped and it's there in+out of solo. I never fully understood the point at which Load Balancing becomes beneficial so I've just kept it on at all times. The Performance Module, showing System Performance and Engine Load, looks the same with Load Balancing ON or OFF, System maxes out around 50% and Engine 16%, I see none of the yellow bars spiking or raised more than half way when in Play (Load Balancing ON/OFF), at idle (stopped) they hover between 10-15%. Seems like 2022.09 narrowed the window on Load Balancing's impact on plugin latency in a way that just doesn't show any late buffers or core overs to the user. If it were buffers it feels like there would be a dropout and play would be halted after a few seconds of it. It sounds more like a scratched CD when it happens, audio keeps playing but there's that "Pop, wiggity, wiggity, jar, jar, Pop, Pop, wiggity" thing happening. It's actually quite funny in context lol. If you were here I'm sure we'd both be laughing at how it throws one back to budget DJ at a bowling alley in 1990.
Whichever was the last before 09, I always do the updates as they are suggested. I narrowed the glitchiness down to Eventide's Blackhole reverb when first inserting it and then when making changes to its Gravity while in solo, sometimes just when soloing the channel via the plugin does it. Audio begins glitching when played and then continues every time I hit play until I save, close and then reopen the project. Audiority's LDC2 was also glitching for a few seconds after inserting it but not as much as Blackhole. Windows update this AM seems to have affected it somewhat, I'll check later and run both through their paces. Hang tight. As for Win10 Vs. 11, ok, I had read a lot of confusing things here on people reverting due to Windows updates and assumed the versioning might be complicating things. Nevermind me, I just poke around in the dark.
2022.09 install went fine, CW starts and runs as usual, however, any time I insert a new plugin I get glitchy audio as if the sample rate was lowered and I'm running out of buffers (I'm not; Win10, 16G ram, 8 cores, everything set to 2,048, load balancing on, relatively small projects). So far, saving, then closing and reopening the project seems to smooth things out - but it's kinda scary. I'm digging the improvements to the UI, seems smoother, though at load time it does have some issues with rendering. I assume this is now an early stage of the recent changes made so devs are kind of feeling their way through working with a new MS code base. Must be difficult to balance Win11 requirements while not messing up Win10 legacy code issues, workarounds, etc. I get it. Otherwise, I got nothing to add here, just that glitching after loading plugins issue.