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michael edwards

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  1. thank you for your response .I will check that out
  2. Hi...recently i downloaded addictive drums and addictive keys, installation appeared to go smothly. However when opening a project which features either of these two addictive vsts an error message appears,,' UNABLE TO CREATE LOG FILE 13....Path C:\Users\HP\Documents\Addictive Drums 2 Logs\******* Plugin Log,txt Create log file dir: 17.......I can OK this message and the project appears to open and the project including the vsts play ok, However the problem will appear when I include this project in a Cakewalk playlist then the opening of this file will always stop at this error message. ie defeating the object of having a playlist, Doe anyone know how to correct this please?
  3. on further investigation ..i turns out to be a guitar string hit.. I discovered it is coming from the Ample guitar Lite track.. I have deleated all clips in that track but still the Play button in the transport bar still makes a guitar string percussive note each time it is pressed. For now I have deleated the track containing the Ample Lite guitar and the noise has stopped. So I dont know why ample guitar is causing that. Anyway just for info.
  4. thanks for replying..i will check it out ..you never know it might just be the answer..thanks
  5. thanks for replying..i will check it out ..you never know it might just be the answer..thanks
  6. Does anyone know why the Play and Stop buttons on the transport control box make a drum sound when pressed? they function correctly ie. they do play and stop but they make this annoying drum sound everytime they are pressed...I have encountered this problem sometime ago...I left cakewalk for a while and never resolved this issue.. Since reloading the application it has been fine. ie no unwanted sounds from the transport bar, as I have been uploading audio backing files and making templates etc. But after the first time of doing some trial recordings of midi this transport bar problem happened again.
  7. my signature???? Hardware drivers?? means my laptop?...as not using any music hardware yet
  8. thanks for taking time to reply. I did try this method but when i do that as soon as I hit ok in the transpose dialogue box my cakewalk application closes immediately
  9. How do we transpose the key of an imported audio backing track?
  10. michael edwards


    No worries .I'm with yiu ..thanks anyway
  11. michael edwards


    Hey thank you once again ...I give it all another try with your comments in mind .... Much appreciated
  12. michael edwards


    So should I do ALT A project follow clip ?thanks for your comments ...
  13. michael edwards


    Yes ref the BPM in the playlist it's a good point ... I'm not sure what it states as the BPM ..I will check it later.... And you are correct there isn't much that can go wrong with this ... Frankly I was using Ableton but the free version .. and the number of tracks available is limited to 8. Without upgrading to a paid version .... So this is why I switched to cakewalk ....but seems like there are many areas in Cakewalk that cause issues ..... You sound quite experienced. With it .but I'm not at all so feels like a minefield ..I'm trying to do something very simple with this playlist lol...
  14. michael edwards


    Hi . Thanks again for your consideration if this ...I'm not exporting ... I just open a blank template . Then I take an audio file from a folder in the pc where I keep downloaded backing tracks or karaoke tracks . So I take one of those files and drag it or double click it into an audio track ..I do ALT A . to select CLIP FOLLOW PROJECT TEMPO ..then I set the project tempo....then I go to SAVE PROJECT AS...... and give the CW project a name and I save the projects to a folder of Cakewalk projects.....When I start a new PLAYLIST i use my pc browser to go the my cakewalk projects folder then I double click to load a particular project file ( song) I to the playlist .....Then comes the problem ..if I start the playlist the tempo and pitch if the songs is high ... But if I close the playlist and just open the project file the song plays fine . I'm baffled . Lol. But listen I appreciate your comments . Thank you
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