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  1. Thanks David. I used to frequent cake forums back in the last century - back around cakewalk 4.5 yep four point five (most of the really obscure stuff was answered by Morton Saether or Jamie OConnell. - I still have the manuals for it, 6, 8 and 9. I went away from music for many years to another life before rediscovering the fun and frustration. I think I still have the cal stuff on an old windows 98 box around here somewhere I hope I never have to use it. Floyd
  2. This is old question but may be helful for someone. I also have a QconProG2 - found the setting in Utilities, MackieControl, and turned off "Fader touch selects channel." Solved my problem (different issue, was trying to ride volume on a midi channel but it would not allow because it was selected. NOT AT ALL OBVIOUS at the time.
  3. Since this is an old post, the issues had have likely been resolved - but, just in case there is a late arrival reading this like, me, there is a tool available in the Process drop down from the top menu bar - called Find/Replace. This allows conversion of most midi data to other midi data. Very useful and powerful once mastered. It was available under older Pro Audio version of Cakewalk under a different name. Other items you wished to do could likely be done with CAL programming. Cal scripts can still be executed from within the same Process drop down and the very bottom of the list. CAL stood for Cakewalk Application Language. There used to be tutorials available as well as a language description. I have not looked for them recently however. Good luck - as I am new at this DAW and hadn't really used it much since my Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 days. Midi/Instrument tracts are not intuitively obvious particularly if you are trained in using hardware midi instruments Cakewalk had always been more configurable and powerful than many realized because of these features. Good luck, Fwc.
  4. It seems like you have a "file association" issue - probably due to running win 10 in compatibility mode. There surely is a way to do this in win 10 compatibility mode. In95, 98, XP you could set the default program that opens when clicking on a particular file type i.e. "WRK", "BUN" etc. If you can answer that question, it might provide a solution. Good Luck - PS - I like Pro Audio too....It never tried to be a pro tools clone.
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