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  1. It's working. Thanks for your help!
  2. I will try it when I'm able to get to my computer later. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll let you know.
  3. I've been using Melodyne for years. I haven't used it in a while though. When I tried to open it (CTRL + M), nothing happens. I even tried to re-install it. Nothing. Suggestions?
  4. I just ordered the ARC system. I figured if it will help, then why not? Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. What exactly is the K-system?
  6. Interesting. Thanks, Craig!
  7. That's pretty much what I've decided I need to do. With monitors, I hear all the bad stuff. When I use headphones and compare with reference tracks, my vocals sound as good as what I hear from the RT. But I'm trying to mix with monitors to try to get rid of whatever bad frequencies they uncover.
  8. Thanks, John! I will look into it.
  9. When I listen on the monitors, I hear every little imperfection in my vocals. But through headphones (and I have several pairs) I can't hear any weird frequencies. They sound good. So I guess I'll trust the monitors and fix all the frequency issues. That way I'll know they'll be right (or better).
  10. One thing I need to mention: My original post was not about mics or vocal booths but about playback to try to mix. My issue is that I'm not sure if I'm hearing the mix correctly. Monitors have frequencies that sound one way, and headphones sound another.
  11. I'm not ruing out anyone's suggestions. I may try a different dynamic mic, like a Sennheiser.
  12. I have tried one, and they do work decently.
  13. My room is 12x12. It's cluttered, and there are things in the corners. I did convert the closet into a vocal booth for a while, but to go back and forth to the computer and booth was a pain. So I constructed a vocal booth (not small) near where my computer is.
  14. I put up three 6' tall panels (about 2.5' wide) and covered them with shipping blankets. Then I put acoustic panels on the blankets inside the booth.
  15. I did not try it without the preamp. However, my U87 clone sounds better to me. I guess I just need to work with it to find how to get the best recording I can with it. I do appreciate everyone's input.
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