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Authentic Soundware

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  1. Hey there, I stumbled on this thread and thought I might just chime in, since I'm the developer of these sounds! So, yeah, sorry for the confusion. There are two types of products. There's a Kontakt instrument, which is a playable drum kit, and then there are two loop packs of WAV files (which also include some one-shots). The Kontakt instrument's samples where made during the same recording as the loops, so it blends perfectly with the loops for adding fills, intros, breaks, etc. To @PavlovsCat point, at the moment the GUI is pretty bare bones (?), but there is a new GUI in the works that will be a free upgrade for existing users! So stay tuned for that. But, honestly, the point of this library is not tweaking, it's playing! All the tone was baked into the samples as they were recorded, just the way they used to do it. And because it's not trying to be the one and only drum library you'll ever need, it is very light weight, loads up super fast, never chokes your computer, and is super fun to play, IMHO ?. That summer sale expired a week ago, but there's a day left on the Labor Day sale...no pressure....srsly
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