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The ASIO control panel not opening isn't a big deal at all, it just seems odd that Cakewalk (or any other DAW) can't find it. I mainly wanted to be sure it wasn't unique to me. Just curious, how is your LCD display looking after 20 years of 24/7/365 on time? If it still looks good, that would be remarkable! I did a lot of work with the PM over the weekend and was running into some driver issues. I decided to look into the driver you're using. I seem to be misunderstanding which one that is exactly. Previously in the thread, you said you're using the "old Windows Vista driver" and that you had problems with the 6.0.x drivers. On the M-Audio website, there is no driver offered for Windows Vista. appears to be the latest Win 7 driver and it's the one I'm currently using. Also, it is part of the 6.0.4 installer. Is it possible you meant This seems to be the only non 6.0.x driver offered for Vista. Any chance you could set me straight on this? Thanks again.
This is great! I had no idea that configuration panel even existed. Voila! my Sel buttons work! Thanks so much pointing this out. Fantastic. I really like your jog wheel & transport settings. Great idea. I'm thinking about experimenting with the Vista driver since you're having such good luck with it. While things seem pretty stable with the Win7 driver, fairly often the PM won't pass audio after booting into Win10 and will screech like drenched cats at deafening levels until I play around with the control panel. This doesn't happen every time but it happens often enough. Usually toggling the sync source solves that problem. If you don't mind, a couple more minor questions. Do you know if it's possible to get the LCD meters to work? When you click the 'ASIO Panel' button in Driver Settings, does it open your PM control panel? Thanks again
I'm a bit intrigued why the Vista driver works better on your machine than the Win7 driver, but you obviously know what you're doing so I won't question it. Is the CS support software you are referring to the "MIDI Configuration Panel" which M-Audio removed from their site? I suspected from the pic of your external surround monitor that you aren't a mere mortal. LOL. What was involved with editing the Mackie API? Is that high level programming? Any ideas why the 'Sel' buttons aren't selecting tracks in my case? Is that one of the things you had to tweak in the API? Is your PM in Sonar mode? Not too worried about the 44.1 thing. Most everything I do is 48k or higher. Funny you mention the power supply. Mine just died over the weekend. It still passes 9V but won't power anything that draws a lot of current. Glad to find out it was just the power supply and nothing internal to the PM. I agree, this is a super cool machine and I'm glad I can still use it.
Wow, thanks so much for such a thorough response! This is extremely helpful. After spending the whole day yesterday doing tests, I think I have a pretty reliable setup. Right now, the only major issue I need to work out is if I open a project that was recorded at 44.1k. This seems to throw off windows system sounds. I'm still working on this. It seems like the "Suspend Audio Engine When Cakewalk is Not in focus" setting should alleviate this but it doesn't seem to help. The same for the Windows setting "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device". I'll keep experimenting. I do have Voicemeeter installed and that might be another option. I have quite a bit of midi/control surface functionality within CbB. It's too bad you have to sacrifice so much of this to use the Vista driver. One thing that seems strange in my case is the 'Sel' buttons don't select tracks. It seems like this should work. Is it safe to assume the PC you're using is quite old? I'm running a 10 year old Dell laptop with a 4th gen i7 processor with 32gb of ram. At the time it was cutting edge but far from it now. I plan to drive this thing until the wheels fall off.
Thanks so much for your reply. As a baseline test, I booted into Win7 and everything worked flawlessly with the legacy firewire driver. I went back to Win10, uninstalled the ProjectMix driver and reinstalled it in Win7 compatibility mode. I don't recall if I did that originally. I also found the control panel exe (MAFWCpl.exe) and set it to run in Win7 compatibility mode. Now both ASIO and Windows sounds work in Win10 with the Legacy firewire driver with one exception: If I open a CbB project in 44.1K, windows system sounds stop working. After working in the CbB, I have to go back to the ProjectMix control panel and set the sample rate back to 48K. After that windows sounds work again. I suppose that is acceptable, but I'm not sure why this is happening. Windows sounds should play at 44.1K. It could be a problem if I have to get sound from a browser or another app while using a DAW. A few questions for you, if you don't mind: 1. Are you still using the Vista driver, If so, are you still getting crashes? 2. Which firewire driver are you using, TI or legacy? 3. Are Windows system sounds working simultaneously with CbB? 4. Which ProjectMix output are you using for Windows system sounds? 5. What sample rate? Sorry, to inundate you with questions. I would really appreciate it if you could fill me on these things. Thanks again.
I realize this is an old thread but I have some questions for any of you who are successfully using the Projectmix on Win10. Are you able to have windows sounds AND ASIO work together? I have several firewire cards with TI chips. In general, if I use the TI driver, Windows sounds work but no ASIO. If I use the legacy driver, ASIO works but no Windows sounds. Strange. Obviously ASIO is the higher priority, but it would be nice if they could both work. Please let me know what you are experiencing.
I'm hoping there are still some FW-1884/FE-8 users here. I have the FW-1884 and a couple FE-8's and they seem to be working fine in Cakewalk. There is an issue I'm trying to resolve however. On the FW-1884 to arm a track for recording, you hold down the REC key and press the Select key for the track you want to arm. This works fine on the 1884, but not on the FE-8. If I hold down the REC key on the 1884 and then press a Select key on an FE-8, it won't arm the track. Does anyone know how to correct this? --- Shoot. I just answered my own question. I was using the devices in Mackie mode. I just realized the old Sonar plug-in from Tascam still works in Cakewalk. Running the 1884 in Native mode seems to work perfectly. The Master fader is even doing what it's supposed to.
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