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Everything posted by ARK

  1. There was supposed to be an Mute, solo and a recording thing, but I press something to make them disappear. Can someone help?
  2. So I disable the output from jamstix and omg it worked thank you so much bro. I dont know anything about the ''input and output'' stuff ? Edit: Forgot to quote your reply scook but, thanks!
  3. My System: Windows 11 (64bit) AMD Ryzen 3 3200U with Radeon Vega 237 GB memory Here are the plugins: SINE player (2x), Jamstix4, sforzando, DSK asian dreamz I dont think Jamstix was affected by it but, the rest yes. The bug only occurs if I hover on a track that has it. If I hover on a different track it plays normally. Strange...
  4. Idk if I'm the only one but, for some reason every time I play a track or other tracks some midi which I didn't put starts playing randomly in different sections. ( Yes I did check to see if I put some random midi but, still didn't find anything). I even tried installing the new cakewalk update and it still appears which is annoying. What's also annoying is that when I exported the track The same random midi sound still appears.? Idk if anyone knows how to solve this but, hope it gets fixed?
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